Chapter 59: Keep Breathing

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Thanksgiving had been a full-on spectacle at the Zazo-Kepner household. They hosted every year and this was no different. It was interesting to see old acquaintances. He would never call them friends, especially not after having the friendships he had in Austin. He knew what real friends looked like.

"Long time no see or speak." Jaden knew that voice and chuckled humorlessly. "What are you doing here Jenna?" She looked every bit of smug and entitled as he remembered. "I'm Lawrence's date. He appreciates me for what I have to offer unlike some people." Jaden laughed heartily. "Lawrence Hawthorne is gay, so you're his beard at best and a delusional distraction at worst. Congratulations." She scoffed at this truth and tried a different approach.

"I miss you, J-Bear." Jaden rolled his eyes at the nickname he always hated. "You miss a scapegoat that will sustain you. I take it from the lack of a belly that you had an abortion. Good for the kid." Jaden finished the last of his champagne and made a move to leave. "You used to want me. Need me. What happened?"

He could see the sadness and desperation in her eyes. He could tell that she had planned on seeing him and it wasn't going accordingly. "I was intrigued by you, yes, but then you cheated and there will never be an us ever again. I'm dating someone new and perfect and I'm never letting her go." Jenna scowled. "Enjoy the party." He walked off and headed for his Dads.

"I don't know why she's here," Roger scoffed looking at a frowning Jenna. "She's Lawrence Hawthorne's beard." Both Christopher and Roger barked out a laugh. "Oh, that is priceless. Well, son, are you having a good time?" Jaden shrugged as he plucked an appetizer off of a passing tray. "I miss Brooke."

They smiled at their son. "You're in love, my boy." Jaden shook his head and smiled. "Yeah. I want to spend the last few days here shopping for her Christmas presents. I want to get her something that she'll love and cherish as much as I do her. I have an idea on what, but the designer doesn't make it anymore. I may need to use the Zazo-Kepner name." His Dads smiled and offered their assistance anyway possible.

JT spent all of Thanksgiving break texting and talking to Faye. She still couldn't get over his display of affection in front of Avery at Friendsgiving. She wanted to bring it up, but she thought against it less he clam up. JT was happy to see Daisy had surprised Stefan and secretly wished Faye had done the same. He was struggling not seeing her every day and Stefan whispered that he was a goner.

JT couldn't deny his feelings for Faye, but he was happy with their arrangement. Adding titles would just muddle things and he didn't want that. He didn't know how to be a boyfriend, so he settled on being exclusive. He texted her and smiled as he made his way out.

Thanksgiving wasn't a big deal to the Trang household as it was an American holiday, but he used the opportunity to go shopping for Faye's Christmas present. The guys all agreed they would buy their respective girl a gift while home as there were few options on and around campus. He wanted something perfect for Faye and as he headed to a specific store, he knew just what he'd get.

Elsa really didn't expect coming home to be as fun as it had been. She had enjoyed time with her nephew Achilles and her big sister Elena had been on her best behavior. She had started dating an older guy in August and things had progressed. The guy was kind and gentle and loved Achilles like he was his own son.

Andreas would be getting out around Christmas, so she and Elena made a point to visit him while she was there. Their younger brother had changed a lot, but he was finally seeing the error of his ways. By the end of the visit they were laughing like old times before their Father started forcing his own expectations and demands on them.

She thought of Preston and smiled as she sat her parents down. He was going to have serious and honest conversations on this break, so she told herself she would be honest with herself and her parents as well. She told her parents about her real major and intention of becoming a professor. She told her dad how tired she and her siblings were of his dictatorship and his inability to see them for the adults that they were.

She didn't expect to cry in her admission, but she also didn't expect her father to break down. She smiled to herself thinking about the long conversation she had with her parents and her sister into the late hours of the night. Her family seemed stronger and closer than ever and she had Preston to thank for her newfound courage.

Olivia and Faye were so happy being back with their family. They sat on their couch with their two malamutes, Hunter and Roxie, and reveled in the family time. Olivia missed Tyler so much, but took pleasure that he was getting good use out of his birthday present. She wanted to be with him, but knew this trip would prove pivotal for him and Preston.

Preston had informed her of his intentions to talk to his brother, as well as, their father during the break and she wished him luck. Tyler and her talked about everything, but he always seemed to shut down when it came to his Dad. She hoped everything turned out for the best for both brothers.

Faye enjoyed all the time she and JT were talking and Facetiming. It was as if they were still together and she appreciated that. She spent the time not talking to him capturing things around town to add to her portfolio. She was falling more in love with taking photos and seeing images in a whole new light. Faye knew her excitement was mainly due to the fact that she couldn't wait to show off her new photos to JT as soon as they were together.

She was already thinking up ideas for the girls. They all expressed that they wanted to do their own boudoir photos for their respective beaus and she reveled in capturing such beauty for her friends. As she finished taking shots in the old Masterson field she heard her phone ring.

She smiled at JT's contact ID. It was a picture of him making a silly face as she kissed his cheek.She picked up and talked to him the whole ride home. Faye was happy. She wasn't going to think or analyze on the rules they set for each other. She just basked in her happiness.

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