Chapter 41: Bleeding Love

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"I was surprised when Patrick told me you were taking me to breakfast." Margot smiled as Caleb opened the door to the campus café. "It's nothing special, but the food is pretty good." They filled their plates and took a seat by the window. "So, who do I have to thank for this wonderful breakfast with my son?" Caleb couldn't help but smile sadly back at her.

"Dad." The answer threw her off. "Dad and I had a really engaged conversation and I realized a lot of things." Caleb looked directly into his mother's eyes. "I'm sorry, Mom, for everything. I have been awful to you and for reasons that don't even make sense to me anymore."

"I am the oldest, but acted like a child. I wanted you and Dad back together so badly, because I missed how things were when I was growing up. Those were the best memories and everything seemed to be held together back then that I just wanted a repeat, but Dad let me know that was a lie. He isn't the guy I or you need him to be and I have to come to terms with that."

He took a sip of his drink to calm his nerves. "I know that Patrick makes you happy and that's all I really want for you. He gets brownie points for being Brooke's Uncle. He can't be all that bad if he's related to her." Margot chuckled at her son and grinned.

"You're the best thing that ever happened to me, you know that?" Caleb shook his head no and looked down at his plate. "I mean it," she smiled raising his head with her finger. "The girls were planned for the most part on my end, but you were the pleasant surprise I didn't know I needed."

He apologized for every wrongdoing he had committed and she forgave him with a quickness. They talked about everything in relation to school, football and finally Aria. "She's a great girl, Caleb." His mother informed. "Don't go messing it up." He chuckled at that and nodded. "I'm going to do whatever it takes to keep her. I promise."

They made their way to the Aquatics Center just in time. The meet was in full swing and they joined the rest of the group. Caleb sat next to his mom, Patrick and Brooke as Aria was on the far end with Sophia Kate and Gracia. He could tell she was still upset with him, but now wasn't the time to have the conversation they needed to have.

The meet was packed and it was apparent that all of the parents in attendance were in awe of Avery. "He's Aquaman in real life." John Ito said watching Avery swim as fast as possible. "He really is talented." Hannah watched as his time shown on the board. "We are a talented group that's for sure." Gracia beamed. "Wait until you all see Aria and Sophia Kate perform tonight. They're magical when they dance."

The parents shared their sentiments and excitement about all the day had in store for them. As they made their way to the Parents Weekend brunch, Sophia Kate and Aria headed to the studio to practice with their fellow dancers. "Aria, wait up," Caleb called out reaching for her hand.

"I know you have to run, so I'll be quick. I owe you an apology. I never should have talked to you the way I did last night and I'm really sorry. You're the best thing to happen to me and I want to show you how much I appreciate you every moment of every day. That behavior won't happen again."

Aria smiled softly and gave him a peck before accepting his apology. "I can tell by the smile on your Mom's face that you two are working things out and that's all I ever wanted for you, babe." He gave her a deep kiss before letting her go off to practice. They would all meet up again at the founding families' event.

After brunch the kids took their parents on a tour of the campus, as well as, a visit to their classes to talk to professors. Each parent was overjoyed to hear how well they were doing in their classes. Brooke was particularly ecstatic to have her Uncle visit professors and see just how well she was doing despite everything.

Hannah and Sade beamed as Preston's biology professor talked about him being one of his top students. Tyler's education instructor stated he was a natural for the teaching field. Both mothers were beyond impressed. "We knew you two would thrive here. There's nothing you can't do when you're together." Sade sat under a large tree in the garden and motioned for them to join her.

"We need to talk to you boys," Hannah said looking at them and then looking at Sade to continue. Both boys looked at one another and then their mothers as anxiety gripped them. "Your father is back in New Orleans. He wants to see you both." Sade rushed out. Preston was shocked. They had only ever seen pictures of their father from their mothers' old high school boxes. They barely knew anything about him or his side of the family other than the fact that their grandfather was a judge and their uncle was M.I.A. Before Preston could say anything, Tyler spoke up. "No."

Preston looked at his shy and good-natured brother with new eyes. In that moment, he saw just how their father's absence had affected him. "We want nothing to do with him. It's been 18 years and now he wants to MEET us! Not see us, Ma. Meet us, because he's never done that. We're good. We didn't need him for this long, we don't need him at all."

Sade looked at the brown-haired boy that she considered her own and sighed. "You feel the same way, Preston?" He looked at his mother and then back to his brother. Preston would die for Tyler. He would do anything his big brother wanted, because he trusted that he knew what was best for them. He nodded to his mother in agreement with Tyler.

"We have you two. That is all we've ever needed." Preston grabbed Hannah's hand, while Tyler grabbed Sade's and squeezed it. They sat under that tree talking about everything and nothing. It was a good conversation until their mothers started prying.

"So, son, Elsa is pretty cute." Hannah smiled elbowing Preston in the rib. "Come on, Mom. Quit it. We're just friends." Tyler chuckled to himself. "Friends with benefits." This earned him a scowl from Preston and inquisitive expressions from their mothers. "You both know I think relationships are stupid. We're just having fun and getting to know each other. And before you both get crazy we're being safe."

Sade shook her head. "I'm glad to hear that. But I need you to know there's nothing wrong with being committed to someone. You have to open your heart to love, baby boy and she is a great girl to do that with." Preston wanted a change of topic asap. "Tyler is the hopeless sap out of the two of us. I won't be surprised if he and Olivia are exchanging vows by next semester." Preston joked.

"Olivia is an amazing girlfriend and I'm blessed to have her. It really means a lot that you both like her." Hannah and Sade had spent time with both Olivia and Elsa and really liked them. They thought it was hilarious that the two girls were so much alike seeing as their sons were so different or so they thought.

"Come on, I don't want to miss the founding families' events. Apparently, they are all very competitive and try to outshine the others." Hannah clapped as they stood to leave. "All I know is that these white people like to waste money on booze and food, so I'm down and ready." Preston rubbed his hands together as his family laughed.

Jaden laughed with his fathers and grandfather as they made their way throughout the tents. Every founding family seemed so happy to see Jaden's grandfather, Alexander Kepner. "Alexander, it's been too long," Thomas Day, Sr. stated with a pat to his shoulder. "You should have your own tent at this thing. You've got a legacy finally at Texas U. You ought to show him off." This earned an eye roll from Christopher who opted to go to school at NYU instead of following in his family's footsteps. "I donate my money that's as much as the founding council is getting from me." Alexander chuckled taking a sip of his champagne.

"What about you Jaden? You interested in joining the founders' group and mingle with other legacy students?" Jaden could tell by the grimace his grandfather made that was the last thing he wanted him to do. "I want to just focus on school right now and ensure this 4.0. I'll get back to you if I change my mind."

Thomas smiled widely. "Please do. We would love to have you." With that he said his farewells and went to meet other guests. "Your friends are so much fun, Dad." Christopher snarked as he downed his drink. "They are not my friends and you, Jaden, are never joining this den of vipers." Roger laughed loudly. "Tell us how you really feel, Alexander."

"You just focus on your studies and that beautiful blonde over there, okay?" Jaden took the time to look over at Brooke who was laughing with Daisy and Elsa at something Faye said. "I can do that, Grandpa." There was a light tapping on the mic as an older woman that later introduced herself as Danica Day took the stage.

"On behalf of my family, we the Day's would like to thank you for coming to our event. You all look so great in your decades themed outfits. Prizes will be going out to best dressed and we also have raffles going on throughout the event." She smiled pointing to the tables in the back.

"We are honored to have tonight's entertainment. She's a freshman here at Texas U and has the voice of an angel. Please put your hands together for Aria Caldwell."

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