Chapter 44: The Way

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It was 10 pm and the festivities at Jaden's townhome was in full effect. The music was playing while the food was setup and ready to be devoured. Roger had catered Italian, which was Jaden's favorite and everyone was much obliged. They talked about the show mostly as they ate and about Parents Weekend in general. It seemed everyone had a great time together and the parents expressed that they were beyond happy they had all met one another.

It caused Jaden to think about the way they all met at Fish Fest and he smiled. He knew fate was definitely at work to string the fifteen of them together. "What's the smile for?" Avery asked as he got another helping of lasagna. "Just thinking about how we all met. It was too crazy to be a coincidence."

Avery nodded. "I'm just thankful it happened. I couldn't imagine going through college without any of you guys." Jaden looked at him and smiled. "Even me?" Avery laughed lowly and nodded. "Even you." Jaden patted him on the back and made his way over to his Grandpa who was telling JT and Stefan stories about his years at Texas U.

Caleb took a seat next to Patrick outside on the back deck. He took a deep breath before he spoke. "I owe you an apology." He started looking directly into Patrick's eyes. "I treated you like crap since the moment I met you and you didn't deserve that. I know and see how much you love my Mom and I appreciate that. I appreciate how well you care for her."

Patrick smiled brightly at Caleb. "You don't need to apologize, Caleb. I can't imagine what you have been feeling. You can ask Brooke, my parents have been married literally forever. I couldn't begin to know what it is like to watch your parents get a divorce and then move on with other people."

"It was tough, but I should have known that Mom and Dad weren't right for each other. You are the person my Mom wants and I think that's great. My Dad admitted that he's not cut out for fatherhood or husband life and I respect him now because he's owning his truth. He apologized for his mistakes and I trust that in time we'll have a friendship that reflects who we are."

Patrick nodded his head as he eyed Caleb. "You're a good kid, Caleb. You are smart, loyal and caring. You have great friends around you to attest to that and a beautiful girlfriend that looks at you like you hung the moon. I know you wanted to go back to California, back to your life, but I hope you now see that everything you could ever want and need is right here."

Caleb looked up as he heard Aria laughing happily at something Olivia and Faye's Mom said. "She makes me happier than I ever thought possible. Happier than I deserve." Patrick patted him on the back. "That my dear boy is what we call love." Caleb looked back at him and blushed. "So, you do love her?" Caleb signaled for him to lower his volume. "Yes, I love her. I just don't know how to tell her."

Patrick raised an eyebrow. "Aria, I love you." They both looked at one another and started laughing. Caleb realized that he had wasted so much time with so many people that simply cared about him. "What are you two cackling about?" Brooke sauntered over to them and took a seat. "Nothing and everything." Caleb smiled as Brooke expressed a confused look. "So, Uncle Patrick how is Uncle Peyton?" Patrick chucked as he thought of his polar opposite brother.

"You have an older or younger brother?" Caleb asked genuinely interested. "I have younger brothers and a ton of sisters, including Brooke's mother, but Peyton is my identical twin brother." Caleb's eyes bugged out. "There's two of you?" Brooke giggled at Caleb's expression.

"You can tell them apart sometimes cause Uncle Peyton likes to grow his hair out, but on family dinners and holidays he cuts his hair just like Uncle Patrick so they can confuse people."  Caleb thought about Clara and Charlie. "That's why you're so cool with the twins. You understood them." Patrick nodded as he took a sip of his beer.

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