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I'm transported to the palace in the carriage. There was seven guards inside the carriage, and I was tied up with rope so tight around my ankles and wrists, it was burning my skin. If I struggled more, it dug into my skin more. A guard had a sword against my neck, and it was slightly cutting me, so it stung.

If I make one slight movement, my head would be instantly sliced off. I don't think my parents would like that.

Finally, the sword is removed and I am forcefully thrown outside of the carriage.

I'm blindfolded and follow where they push me, with the sword back on my neck. They take my blindfold off and I'm inside the palace prison. I was by a jail cell.

"It appears the King is busy and can't see you right now," one of the guards said.

I sigh in relief.

"It's fine, though. The King's brother is here."

I widen my eyes with fear. This is my worst nightmare. The King's brother is my-

My father walks down the staircase and makes eye contact with me. Fearfully, I look down at the ground and pull my mask up.

"So you're The mysterious Warrior, huh? Causing havoc on the streets but has never been caught before? I wonder why you always keep your face concealed.." My father says, sipping wine from his bejeweled cup.

"Take that covering off your face, you peasant," a guard snarls.

I refuse. The guard pulls it off my face, while five other guards are holding my tied body down. I'm kicking and screaming but finally they're able to tear it off with the sword, slightly cutting me as well.

My face is finally revealed to my father.

Guess I should kiss my old life goodbye. And any future one I can possibly have.

"Oh, so that's what you look like. A bit darker than I expected, but I thought you'd have a humongous scar or something. Why hide?" My father raises his brow.

"Y-You really don't know who I am?" I look up towards him and make eye contact again.

"The Warrior, that's all I got." My father shrugs.

This was the first time in seven years since my father has seen me without makeup... He really didn't recognize me?

I recall to what Chinua said at the night of the performance.

"The way she uses makeup...She can dramatically change features on anyone's face!"

Is it true?

"Anyways, it's not what I need from you. It's about what a guest does." My father yawns.


"A royal guest wants your presence. And what a royal guest wants, I deliver." He claims.

He looks towards the guards. "Go send this boy to the waiting guest. He'll decide what he wants to do with this outlaw. I need a midday snack."

My father steps closer to me. "And by the way Mister Warrior. Be careful. You step in my way outside of your childish games, and you'll know what a real fight is like. A fight where you'll beg for a quick end, because life is too painful," He warns. "Are we clear?"

I nod and gulp.

The guards bound my wrists and ankles tighter, then place a bag over my head.


"Here's the gift you wanted, Sir," the guard said. I can't see anything but I feel I'm in a grand room.

"Leave us alone," a familiar voice instructs.

"But Sir, The Warrior can be extremely dangerous-"

"I can handle him myself. Now leave."

The bag is pulled off me and I'm astounded by the person in front of me.



"You're The Warrior?" Sky asks. "I've heard stories about The Warrior and wanted to know what his identity was for awhile, but I never expected it to be you."

"You're a guest to the palace?" It was now my time to be amazed. "How were you able to freely venture outside of the palace walls?"

"This Kingdom is one of the safest places in comparison to where I lived. Not safe enough, but I'm not gonna tell my family that. I enjoy the freedom to roam around." He shrugs.

"Anyways, enough about me. How did a tree-climber, cat-saver, tournament-fighter like you become The Warrior?" He questions.

"I wanted to use my skills to help defenseless people. But sometimes I mess up really bad. And hurt the people that need the most help." I bite my lip.

"Aman, what happened?" Sky asks, concerned.

"I need your assistance. There's a group of poor men who became wrongfully jailed because of my careless actions," I inform him.

He raises his brow. "The men who were just admitted into the palace jail for robbing a nobleman?"

"Yes!" I say. "The nobleman stole most of their money. They were only taking it back to survive."

"Fine. I'll let them out..." He pauses then continues for dramatic effect.


"If what?"

"You become my personal escort outside of the palace," He proposes.

"What? That's madness!" I insist.

"Fine. Guess those peasants will be jailed for a month. Maybe I can pester the King to extend their imprisonment for two years!"

I widen my eyes. "You wouldn't!"

"Oh, but I would." He smirks.

How manipulative! He's toying with these poor people like they were puppets just so he can get what he wants.

"Fine. But I can't be with you every single minute of the day. I have my own life," I insist.

I obviously needed to be in the palace for half of the day as Amira. I couldn't be with him always.

"Oh of course. I'll make a schedule that can accommodate both of us." His eyes shine with mischief.

"Why would you even need an escort though? I think you're more than capable of protecting yourself." I recall to our battle.

"Oh, I know I can fight well. But since I'm a foreigner, and you seem to be a local, you can show me all the hotspots around here," he reasoned.

"Oh." I guess that makes sense.

"Also, I need a sidekick to laugh at all of my jokes and entertain me. A court jester that follows me around and worships me, if you will."

I roll my eyes. "Right..."

"I think we will get along just fine, Aman." He winks. "Or shall I regularly call you The Warrior? Whatever you prefer. Maybe a combination of both. How about Warrior Man!"

I bite my lip. "I need to know.. why did you let me win?"


"During our tournament at the Bataar Games. You were easily beating me. But then you let me win. Why would you do that?" I ask.

He opens his mouth but instantly closes it. He looked like he was at the edge of revealing something important, but decided it was better not to.

"If you do well at your job, I'll tell you why," He promises.

"Fine. You got a deal." I bow and he bows back.

One day, I'll escape this deal. But for now, it looks like I'll be his obedient servant.

A rich royal being a servant and having to follow all of the whims of someone else... The universe is finally doing something right for once.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: quick update! ahhhh dramas starting... now it should be excitinggggg

Drop what u think will happen ;)

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