Chapter 4

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Hello, sorry this took so long, school’s already started! ): boo. Anyway, now I’m really going into hibernation so the updates won’t be as often. And I’m so sorry for this crappy chapter, I had to write this for three days before this chappie actually came out! ):

It’s dedicated to csv365/Christy, because of her super lovely comment and support. Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! It really means a lot to me, thank you a million times! (: Anyway, enjoy this chapter and see you soon! :D

<3 Jenna.


Those lovely topaz eyes of his bored into mine, they smoldered and I felt my heart thumping rapidly in my chest.

Nate, he was my crush all the way from when we were young until when I was about 14, when I realized that he had liked Ellie all along and saw me as nothing more than his little sister. He did break my heart unknowingly, but I still love him as my brother all the same.

He looked genuinely confused as I spoke to him. “Do I know you?” his voice was neutral, and had become deeper, he did seem more like a man to me now than he did last time.

I felt the corners of my lips turn up into a smile. “I’m Lena, Natey Bear, don’t you remember me?” I tried to make it seem like I wasn’t hurting when I called him that.

It brought back memories, many of those which included him and my sister dating, before she dumped him and broke his heart. Urgh, Lena, control yourself, Ellie isn’t here, stop dragging her into your affairs!

Nate’s bewildered expression changed into one of disbelief and surprise. His handsome face literally glowed, and he rushed forward and pulled me into a bone-crushing hug.

I felt myself laughing as he squeezed me tighter against his body, making his stomach muscles more pronounced, and my heart ache with longing and pain. This was the boy who had caused me to be depressed for three weeks straight, who stole my first bra and hung it on the tree outside our house for fun.

I finally understood how it felt like to be so happy, you could literally be walking on air. I had come to this school, to find my child hood best friend and crush. And now he was hugging me! A few years ago I would have made a big fuss of the situation and obsessed about it for a few days, but now…

Now I just didn’t feel the way I used to. If he wanted to hug me, I was glad that he missed me. But I was not elated to the extent of calling up my sister and telling her that Nate had hugged me.

I leaned into his muscular body, breathing in his familiar scent and savoring it. I had missed him so much, I hadn’t even realized how much until now.

Eventually I pulled away to see his eyes, alive and bright, and I smiled once more. “So I take it that you do remember me,” I teased, and he laughed.

“I wouldn’t forget you, Lena. You’re my best friend.” He smiled back, and I grabbed my schedule from off the counter top and walked over to him.

“So, you go to this school now, then?” I asked him, and he nodded.


“I’ve missed you so much, Natey. It’s seriously been hell without you.” I confessed as we walked along the hallway, with students staring after us the whole time.

Nate looked down at me, his face was sad, and I regretted what I said, I didn’t mean to make him feel bad or sad.

“I’m so sorry, Lenny, it’s just that Mum and Dad were quarreling so much they divorced, and then Mum took Jerica and I and moved away. Shortly after I heard Dad moved away from you too.”

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