Chapter 5

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Hello guys! Firstly I'd like to apologise for the long wait, I've been really busy in school, and chinese new year's coming! So I'm posting. And yeah, hopefully I'll be able to post more often. Second, thanks a million to the people who voted/ fanned/ commented. And third, I'm changing this story's name back to'The Other Sister'. Fourth, I'll dedicate each chapter to the first person who comments each time.

Love you guys to the max!

Hope you enjoy this chappie! :D

<3 Jenna.


His green eyes sparkled, and I swooned quietly. Holy flaming monkeys, this was one handsome guy. His tousled brown hair glinted under the light of the room, and his eyes were fixated on me.

To top it off, I could feel a warm blush creeping up my cheeks, and I averted my gaze from this God, surely he couldn’t be real. No one could ever, ever make me feel like this again.

Snap out of this, Lena. You can’t fall in love again, this is only going to ruin you. Remember what happened with Nate? Don’t waste your time on guys, nothing good is going to come out of that.

My fists automatically clenched at the thought of Nate, the day he had told me that he was indeed in love with my sister, and could never replicate those feelings for me.

Right then and there in the studio, I could feel myself becoming increasingly depressed, and it was silly because Nate was even here.

No, I wouldn’t ever give a male the satisfaction of this kind of power over me again.

I could feel that barrier coming up again, the one that I used to block out all the charm and whatever that guys used. It would no longer work.

I managed a rather placid expression before angling my face back to the guy. He looked kind of amused, and was smirking slightly.

Derek chose that moment to break the awkward silence in the room, and for that I was grateful. I didn’t know how long exactly I would last under the smouldering gaze of this insanely perfect man.

“Lena, this is Zachary, he’ll be your partner for today’s shoot, I’ll leave you two for 10 minutes of introduction, after which I want to get back to work!!! Let you people build up chemistry and all.”

Derek’s voice sounded fairly amused, and I felt like punching him. Seriously, he expected the both of us to have ‘chemistry’ in just 10 minutes? What rubbish. But then again, it was my job to convince people to buy the products I was promoting, so I sighed, and followed Zachary to the two chairs, which had been conveniently laid out for us.

Of course, Derek, being the usual bouncing ball on enthusiasm, hurried us to the chairs. “There you go! I’ve even asked them to bring a curtain so the both of you’ll have privacy!”

He whipped out an apple shaped timer from his jeans pocked and smirked slightly. “I’ll be putting this on the floor outside, okay? When it rings, BACK TO WORK!” he yelled in our faces, and I cringed.

For someone so small, he had a really big lung capacity.

I sat myself down in a chair, and gave Zach a small smile while he returned mine with a dazzling one.

The curtains were drawn, and I found it slightly ridiculous. They had arranged curtains for us in the middle of nowhere just for privacy? Wow, these people must really have many resources lying around.

I folded my hands on my lap, and clutched at the fabric of the dress. “Do they usually give time for these kind of things?” I asked Zachary, and he shook his head, the smile still playing at his lips.

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