Chapter 5.

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Third person's POV.
"Did you meet her?" His officer asked him who was going through some videos on his laptop.

"Yes Sir agent Rubab came today. I got impress by her work and the information she collected. I'm going through that information right now." He replied looking at the files he opened up in his laptop.

"Malik these informations are very confidential. We can't share it until we got all the evidance." Said his officer and he gave a nod while leaning back on the chair.

"I know Sir. That's why I'm taking my time. Also waiting the call of Roney. I want to know the situation and after that i want to take action." Said Malik and open another file on his laotop.

As he was reading those files a thin line formed on his forehead.

"I'll let you know Sir.  May Allah ease our way to truth." Saying, he cut the call and read that file again and looked at the images.

A frown appeared on his forehead while his lips cursed and he took his mobile again. Dialing a number, he waited to be picked.

"Assalam-u-Alikum Rubab." He said as the call was answered.

"Is it true what you've given me? Sardar Wahab's son is also out there? These videos of girls and boys? Can we get all the record?" He asked and zoomed the image but the face was not clear.

"100 percent Sir. I've been after this since a month. Its not a case of human trafficking but more than that. Its a bloddy dirty business they are doing right now." She replied and he gave a nod.

"What about the videos you've given me?" He asked as he played a video on his laptop and he cursed as he saw it.

"Bastareds." He cursed under his breath.

"I got few of them which i gave you but its true and its a big game Sir. Its not just the lust but a fully running business." She said and Malik gave a nod.

"Hmm. Let me talk to Roney then I'll tell you what you've to do next." He said and cut the call.

"Roney." As the call was dialed, he said as Roney picked the call.

"Sir." He said from other side.

"Sardar Wahab's son is out there too. Sultan khan and Sardar wahab are planning something big this time." Said Malik and looked at some videos.

"I know Sir. I got the information. I'm trying my best to search his men around or the person he send on this mission but we don't have any picture." Said Roney and on other side Malik got tensed.

"Is she okay? Are you around her?" Asked Malik and a smile touched Roney lips.

"Yes Sir she's fine. I'm just around her. Keeping my eyes on her all time." Said Roney.

"This have to be our first propriety Roney. Her protection is the first thing we've to do." Said Malik and Roney gave a nod while leaning back on his chair.

"I know Sir. I'll try my best." Said Roney.

"You've to reach him before he could reach her." Said Malik and Roney agreed with a nod.

"This is a dirt and we can't let her be there. You've to protect her intil I'm here." Said Malik and Roney nodded.

"I know Sir. I'll nothing let happen anything to her. May Allah be our Helper and ease our way." Said Roney.

"Ameen. Allah Hafiz. " saying they disconnected the call.

Both of them leaned back on their chairs  mind tangled with thousand of thoughts while hearts were beating for the one who were living in their hearts for years.

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