Chapter 8.

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Third person's POV.

Toward the Karakoram Highway.

"I'm heading toward the highway Sir. My team is with me." Said Malik while driving fast.

"Good. Keep informing me time to time. We've to save all the girls tonight." Said Mr Ubaid-ul-Allah from other side.

"Yes Sir and we've to catch Sardar Wahaj alive. I hope Roney gave us good new about Asfandyar." Said Malik while his eyes moved to the left side where agent Rubab was taking the weapons out of the bag.

"Inshah Allah we'll be succeeded. May Allah be our Helper." Said Mr Ubaid-ul-Allah.

"Ameen. Allah Hafiz Sir." Saying, he disconnected the call and looked at the road where the car was running.

Looking back at the road, he confirmed his team members were coming behind him. The road was going toward the china boarder from the Karakoram Highway which connect two countries. This nountainous region was highly beautiful and a favourite place for the tourists but in the darkness some evil people do their business through this link of roads. Malik was driving fast as they had to reach there before Sardar Wahaj could go away.

"Sir." She called and he turned to her.

Nodding, he took that beard from her hand and stopped the car aside.  Taking that beard, he fixed it on his face. Taking a cap, he put it on his head changing his getup.  She wore a wig and put on glasses on her eyes while slipping her arms in black jacket and zipped it up as the region had coldness in its atmosphere. After changing their looks, car start moving on the road again to reach the place. Taking the handgun Glock 22 Gen4 2.0 J CO black and Glock 22 Gen4 .40 pistol out, she filled their magzines with bullets and prepared herself for the coming situation. Their jeeps and cars were running toward the Karakoram Highways. Sardar Wahaj was going to export whatever he had in those containers to the people who were going to pass it through china to somewhere else.

"There they are." He said looking at the containers runnibg on the roads in front of him.

The containers had their Sardar Wahaj's company logo on it. And it made it easier for them to recognize it. Following it from a distance, he kept looking at their every movement. Stopping a bit far from them they saw the containers stopped ahead on the road. It was almost dark and it was getting hard for them to see what was happening there.

"We've to step out now but shouldn't it be noticed by them." Said Malik to his odficers through the Bluetooth call he was sharing with them.

"Yes Sir." Said All of them in union and Malik with Rubab stepped out of their car slowly.

Taking his Handgun Glock 22 Gen4, he tugged it on his back while taking another, he took steps ahead with Rubab who was already ready with her weapons. Slowly and steady his officers slso followed him with their weapons in their hands. Going to the downsides of the road they tired to walk voiceless.  Not making a single voice or mistake they were walking ahead.  Hiding behind trees and bushes they just held their breaths and looked at the men standing on this empty road.

Malik's eyes roamed on their faces which were visible on the containers lights. He saw Sardar Wahaj coming out of his car and gave a hand to the man standing there. They shook their hands and Wahaj took a briefcase from that man.

"There are 500 girls as I've promised." Said Wahaj looking at the money in that briefcase.

"And what about the kids delivery?" Asked that man.

"As you've said. Will be done on Wednesday to the Afghanistan Boarder." Said Wahaj smiling evilly.

"See you there than." Saying that man ordered his man to take the lead of containers from here.

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