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"Where have you been?" He slurs as he stumbles over to me.

"With my friends. Like always."

"You know if you're not here, who's going to cook for me."

"I made you enough that should've lasted you long enough. I'll make more for you tomorrow."

"You better." He makes his way back to the couch. "Don't you have school tomorrow?"

"It's summer break remember." I roll my eyes at him.

"You know that's not very polite. I'm still your father."

"Yes, sir."

"Good, then since you're not in school. I'm guessing you're working. I'm going to need your next paycheck then."

"For what?"

"Someone needs to pay the mortgage."

"Isn't that your job?"

"I don't need your smart mouth young lady. It's been spent, so I need you to help out."

Spent on beer and whisky I bet.

He should have enough money between his Veteran's benefits and his pension from his old job, to cover the house and his drinking habit.

"I understand. I'm going to bed now." I tell him and make my way to my bedroom. I pull out the shirt I stole from Dinah out of my bag. It still smells like her.

Changing out of my clothes, I slip on her shirt and hop into bed. As I Dozed off to sleep, I re-think about the weekend and what I gave up to Dinah.

I only wonder what the summer will bring.


For the first time in 4 years, I'm late to work. I think this weekend might of wore me out. I get off the elevator and I'm greeted by Andrea. There's no sign of Mani, which makes me slightly disappointed. I would ask where she is, but I wouldn't want to raise suspicion.

I enter my office, sit down at my desk, and flip open my laptop. I scan through my e-mail and find the one Welch sent me on Derrick Hamilton.

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