5 | getting acquainted

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i pretty much pass out from such a draining day after we reach happy's place. he briefly showed me around the place and to my room, which is kinda small, but big enough for me.

the next day, happy drives me to school. i've never had the opportunity to have a chauffeur, so i might as well make the most of it while i can.

after i thank him and step outta the vehicle, he winds down the window and shouts after me. "ISLA!"

i look ahead at some cheerleaders, who frown at me already causing a scene before the bell. i twirl around, groaning at the sky. "yes, happy?" i hiss, embarrassment creeping inside me.

"forgot to say, don't talk about-" he pauses to make air quotes, "yanno, 'hero stuff' at school."

i arch a brow at him. "god, hap. d'you think i'm stupid? don't worry."

he exhales a little, but still remains to be tense. "the suit will be at home when you're back. tony wants you to get familiar with it."

this alter-ego superhero identity stuff is a lot to get used to. "got it" i salute him, before turning and walking up the steps.

i head towards michelle's locker so we can exchange notes before our physics quiz, but i'm sidetracked when i spot a familiar mop of brown hair.

peter and ned are walking side by side, ned blabbing peter's ear off about something exciting, apparently. although, peter's face starts to slowly scrunch in irritation. i loop my other strap through my arm and make a beeline for them.

the sound of my combat boots against the polished floor is enough to give away my presence. peter sees me first, offering a shy smile, but ned speaks up. "oh, uh. hey, isla. you want my history notes? my physics-"

"no, ned. i'm good, thanks" i nod in his direction. damn, i should really stop borrowing notes from other people. i grip my backpack straps to somehow ease myself. "i just wanted to talk to peter real quick."

peter's eyes widen in fear. he probably thinks i'm about to say something dumb and expose him in front of his best friend.

"y-yeah, okay" peter replies, adjusting his textbook in his hands. he turns back to ned, "i'll see you in calc" he clenches his jaw as if to say something else. but what?

"uh huh" the plump tanned boy says. he exaggerates a wink, which can mean too many things. ned knows something is up and i don't blame him. when have i ever gone out of my way to talk to peter parker?

nevertheless, we leave him behind and head towards an empty classroom. peter falls into my step nicely, but just as we turn into a vacant room, i yank the door and slam it shut, locking it with a swipe of my thumb.

"uh, what's going on?" peter's voice cracks ever so slightly as i turn to gaze upon his worried face.

i leave the door and stand by a desk, peter on the other side of it. "okay, so. i know your secret" i say, gesturing to myself. he nods slowly, like it's blatantly obvious. "who else knows?"

"um, mr stark, happy. some avengers and uh," he pauses and looks at his feet, scuffing his shoes over the other. "ned."

"ned? how come? i mean, i get you're best friends or whatever, but, i'm not gonna willingly tell michelle or cindy" i whisper firmly, leaning forward slightly. he scratches the back of his neck, avoiding my eyes, like i'm making him uncomfortable.

"he caught me. literally last night" peter defends himself. "he's got so many questions." i sigh and fold my arms over my body, as i feel peter's eyes watch my every move. "what about you?"

"what about me?"

"uh. who knows about, you?" he gulps. maybe my harsh tone is scaring him a little. or maybe he's never been locked in an empty classroom with a semi-stable girl.

i think for a moment. after all those times where i had to briefly blast my brick wall to let off some steam, no one assumed it was me. they believed my lies of a chemistry project going wrong, but no one suspected the power came from my hands. "tony. happy. maybe some avengers by now. and you."

peter let's out a shaky breath, brushing a stray curl behind his ear. "cool."

we stay in silence for a bit. he looks like he has a million questions to ask me and if i'm honest, i have a million to ask him back. but instead, the sound of passing students fill the empty air.

"what powers do you have?" he rocks back on his heels.

"energy manipulation."

"oh! uh. cool."

i can tell he's enthusiastic about the abnormal abilities i have, but my not-so-bothered exterior makes him try to hide it. he's not very good at suppressing excitement.

"so, i guess we'll be seeing each other more often now?" he speaks up. the top of his ears burn red as i poke my cheek with my tongue.

"yup" is all i muster. he picks up the textbook he placed on the desk in front and grips it to his chest.

"so, uh. we should probably-"

"how'd you hide it?" i interrupt. he does a double take, like it's incredible to hear more than just one word answers from me.

"w-what do you mean?" he asks.

my crossed arms fall to my sides, as i dig my hands into my soft jacket pockets. "i mean, you literally double as a hero. how've you not been caught? until last night, apparently."

he shakes his head at my unneeded comment, but brushes past it. "i guess i'm alert. like, i always know my surroundings-"

"except for last night" i tease again. peter rolls his eyes, but a small smirk pulls at his lips as if he actually finds me amusing. i shake the thought out of my head and kick my boots against the flooring, making an awful squeaky sound.

he chuckles softly. the bell breaks up our absent conversation as he raises his eyebrows at me, but i just sigh and head for the door. "um, see you around?" he calls after me.

i unlock the door and press down on the handle, briefly turning back to face him. the only one around here who knows. "yeah, right" i reply, releasing a breath i didn't even know i was holding.

hero stuff, peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now