17. Medicine

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As I was running back to our cave, I was thinking. ''He spared my life. Luce spared my life and I did nothing for him!'' I felt guilty. But I didn't have time for that. I had to get to Orin and give him the medicine or he could die. Hopefully, he wouldn't be mad at me.

Well, he was. He screamed at me for what felt like an eternity. Why I left him here and risked my life for his medicine? ''Because I care for you!'' I screamed back at him and he fell silent. He just looked at me for a while. ''I care for you too. I do. That's why I can't let you sacrifice yourself for me.'' He took my hand. ''Elpina, I should have found you before. I should have protected you. Because...because I love you.'' His confession hit me. So that's what my feelings were. ''Orin, I, I love you too. I have for a long time, but I didn't know what this feeling was. I'm sorry I didn't look for you.'' I almost started crying, but I tried to hold back. Orin embraced me and I felt safe in his arms as always. ''Don't cry, please. It's okay and I'm fine. I'm here,'' he whispered in my ear. I was so grateful to hear that. He tilted my face and kissed me. His lips were so warm, I just melted. When he pulled away, I was speechless. 

I remembered about his wound. ''Pull up your shirt. Let me see the cut.'' He did and it was getting worse. More pus was coming out. I opened our pack and inside there was a big injection. ''Well, I hope you're not afraid of needles,'' I said to Orin. I opened the needle's cap and squeezed the content in Orin's leg. He almost screamed like an animal, but I told him not do or to do it quietly. I didn't want to lead Bella and Thala to us. Not now. His wound started to get better right away. The pus vanished and it looked like it started closing.

We ran out of food, so I had to go hunting again. Orin wanted to come with, but I said no. His wound had to heal before I'll take him with me. I carefully went out in case someone was outside waiting. I caught a bird first. It was like an eagle, but not quite. It was a good catch, but it won't last us long. We were also out of water, so I headed to the river. I had to be on high alert there. Still, I didn't notice Thala behind me. She almost stabbed me with her fish hook. Luckily, a mockinjay warned me. I turned around and pushed her to the floor. I took an arrow out of the tule and stabbed her with it. Her cannon sounded. I filled up the bottles. I started walking to the cave. Suddenly, I heard another cannon. My heart dropped. No! What if it's Orin? I ran as fast as I could.

I came to the cave. I was kind of debating if I should look in. I decided to do it and a wave of relief took over me. Orin was there and fine. ''Why do you look so pale?'' he asked. ''Didn't you hear the cannon? I thought it was you!'' He came closer and hugged me. ''I'm okay. We both are.'' I knew that, but I was still worried sick. It could have been him. 

I prepared us a half of the bird I caught. It was actually good. I was still thankful Orin was okay. I still wondered whose cannon that was. It was near evening. We found out who it was. It was Bella's. I was actually sad. Bella wasn't aggresive at all and that was weird for a Career. Then I realised. There was only three of us left. Me, Orin and Luce. I couldn't kill either of them. I loved Orin and I was still alive because of Luce. I couldn't.

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