19. Fae's Freedom

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A hovercraft came near us and picked us up. In it the first thing I saw was Seeder. She ran to me and hugged me. ''I'm so proud of you Elpina! You not only won, but saved Orin and showed you have morals.'' I was happy I saw her again. She let me go and hugged Orin, who looked kind of uncomfortable. It made me smile. This was the first time I was smiling in a long time and it felt good. 

My eyes searched the hovercraft for Fae. I couldn't spot her and I started to panic. What if they found out we talked?! Did they kill her?! I calmed myself down enough to ask Seeder. ''Where are our avoxes?'' ''Oh, back at the house. They're waiting for you.'' I was relieved. Then I got an idea. ''Seeder, can you buy freedom for an avox?'' She nodded. ''Yes, but it can be really expensive.'' I thought about it. I could use my reward for wining to save Fae and reunite her with her son. She could talk again, since her tounge was only tied, not cut out. ''Could I buy my avox with my reward?'' I asked my mentor. ''You very much could. Did you like her that much?'' she asked me. I nodded. I was glad I'll be able to help Fae. ''But if I send her in let's say District 7, would she be able to visit me?'' Seeder remained silent. ''Maybe. You can ask,'' she told me. 

We got back to the house. To my surprise, President Tenebris was waiting for us. ''Congratulations miss Elpina and mister Orin. I believe you two proved yourselves worthy of the victory.'' I honestly didn't believe he ment it, but this was my chance to free Fae. ''President Tenebris, could we talk in private, please? I have something to ask you.'' The man nodded and everyone else left the room. ''Go ahead,'' he said to me. ''Mister I had an intention to buy the female avox's freedom. Would I be able to pay it with my victory reward?'' He looked at me, looking suspitious. ''Yes, you would. But why would you do such a thing?'' I had to get rid of his doubts. ''Because she was so nice to me in my time here. I want to thank her with this. One more thing. If she returns home, wherever that is, would she be able to visit me?'' He looked confused and I got scared he wouldn't let me save Fae. ''We could talk about that. I might just allow it.'' Now I was confused. Might? ''What must I do?'' I asked as calmly as I could. ''You have to promise me you won't cause us, meaning the Capitol, any trouble.'' That's it? Really? ''I promise.'' I didn't hesitate, since me or my family never caused any trouble and we won't starve anymore because of my reward. ''All right then. I will bring you the papers later today. You leave tomorrow. See you later miss Elpina.'' Then he left.

I went to my room to pack my things. There I found Fae and to my surprise Dimio. ''I knew it!'' Dimio screamed, while he wraped me in a tight hug. ''I couldn't have done it without you Dimio. Your outfits got me sponsors.'' That was extremely true. ''That's my job. I was glad to design for you Girl of Hope. I hope we meet again.'' So did I. He let me out of his embrace and left the room. 

Fae came up to me and hugged me. I saw she was crying. ''What is it Fae?'' She let me go and wrote on her paper I'm so glad you're alive. ''I am and I have news for you. You might want to sit down.'' So she sat on my bed. ''Fae, I'm going to buy your freedom with a part of my reward. You will go back to your son, but also be able to visit me, if you'll want to.'' She burst into tears. She hugged me so tight, I couldn't breathe for a second. I was so happy to see her happy. 

The evening came so fast. I got ready for bed with Fae's help. She was still tearing up sometimes. But when I tried to sleep, I instantly got nightmares of my time in the arena. I saw Aura's body being pierced. I woke up screaming in horror. Seconds later my door opened. Orin came in. ''You have nightmares too?'' I nodded. ''It was Aura. She's gone because of me!'' I started crying. I felt such pain in my heart, it was almost unbearable. ''Orin, it's my fault! She would be here, if I saved her!'' He came to me and hugged me. We stayed like this for I don't know how long. ''Elpina, don't blame yourself. It's not your fault. You would save her, if you could. You know that.'' He was right. He wiped my tears and kissed me. ''Do you want me to stay here with you?'' I nodded. He lay by me and I pressed my head against his chest. I had no more nightmares that night.

In the morining, I woke up to all my things, but one outfit packed. I looked around to see Fae. ''Fae, you didn't have to.'' She took her paper and wrote That's the least I could do. I smiled and thanked her. Dimio did his magic again. My outfit was an ombre gold and white dress. It was stunning. I got dressed. Then the door opened. Dimio came to say goodbye. ''Come here,'' he said and wrapped me in a hug. ''You get to keep all your outfits and I might send you more.'' I thanked him, but then it was time to go.

The train ride felt like an eternity. Probably because I couldn't wait to see my family and White again. I was hoping Dad will be fine with Orin, since he was quite protective. When the train stopped, I was so excited. The door opened and I instantly felt someone clinging on my legs. I was so glad to see Pino. I hugged him so hard, he said he can't breathe. Then my parents came and we all had a big, long group hug. I was so glad The Games were over.

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