Turn back time

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What would you change if you were able to go back in time? Would you laugh more? Study more? Would you go out with HIM or HER? Or would you decide against that wonderful date that would only signify the beginning of a path ending in pain and lined with self-doubt and self-deprecation? Would you listen to your friends' advice more often? Or take your common sense into account more often? Waste less time on watching shows you don't even genuinely enjoy? Spend less time worrying and being self-conscious and more time deciding and taking actions? Would you focus more on the needs of others around you or take time for yourself? Would you try to be unapologetically you instead of pretending to be someone else?

I'm asking you, if you could turn back time, what would you change?

And at the same time, I ask myself: What would I have changed? And would it be worth it?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2020 ⏰

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