Mairi:be strong for me

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Kairi's POV
I woke up to an empty bed but didn't think much of it because Mattia is probably getting ready to hang with Alejandro. I decided to make us French toast for breakfast before he leaves, because that's his favorite and he was in a bad mood last night he wouldn't even cuddle me yeah I cried but he was already asleep so he didn't hear. As I was cooking the toast I wondered what was taking Mattia so long but brushed it off because he's probably taking an extra long shower or something. I just finished the last piece and realized Mattia still isn't downstairs. I decided to go find him, I looked in every room except our room and the bathroom connected to it so naturally I decided to check those rooms for my dinosaur looking lover . I walked in the room and checked everywhere even the closet but no sign of Mattia, that's when I decided to check the bathroom and that's when my heart broke completely. Mattia was laying on the floor in a puddle of blood, Kairi sat by his body seeing no signs of life in his eyes and feeling no pulse he started screaming at Mattia to wake up. He started checking everywhere he could for a pulse. He started questioning  why Mattia did it was he not enough?,  did Mattia not feel loved?, did i do something? Kairi wanted so badly for Mattia to wake up and say it was just a prank for his YouTube channel but he knew this was real. We were supposed to get married and adopt four kids, two girls and two boys name the girls Nala and Ainsley name the boys Quinton and Landon, we were supposed to buy that house right across from the soccer field where all the boys used to meet up to play soccer. I just stared at Mattia's body when he noticed a paper sticking out of his hoodie pocket he grabbed it and read it

Hi bubba,

Before you even start you were perfect for me, whenever I was feeling any type of negative way you helped me smile and laugh, your small hand was just the right size to fit in my large one like a puzzle. You gave me the perfect amount of love sometimes maybe to much for me. You didn't do anything I just couldn't take it anymore my battle with depression just got way to hard and the Jae was just getting worse. I know it'll be hard but please try to move on and find another person to love, also please don't end up with the same fate as me love your life. Adopt your four kids two girls and two boys name them Nala, Ainsley,Quinton, and Landon, buy the house across from the soccer up with the boys for me tell them I love them and I'll miss them. But most importantly I'll love you forever and a day bubba, keep our memories I left my phone in the pocket of your favorite hoodie of mine in your dresser.Be strong for me bubba

Love your favorite dinosaur looking bitch,

I read that letter over and over which caused me to start screaming and crying. I didn't even hear the door, I felt someone trying to pull me away from Mattia's body I was fighting until I heard his voice whispering in my ear it was Alejandro. He had tears streaming down his face just like I did. I looked back over at Mattia's body to find Robert calling 911, Alejandro brought me out into what used to be Mattia and I's living room now just my living room. Alejandro asked what happened so I explaines everything from waking up alone to finding Mattias body, then I asked Alejandro why he was here he said he had texted mattia saying he was here to pick him up but never got an answer so he came in and heard my screams. The police came and took Mattia body and I went back to my room to get some more sleep while Alejandro and Robert stayed to now sure I was ok.

3 months later

3 months since Mattia has died and I don't know how he dealt with depression for so long, I got diagnosed with it 2 months ago and I have barely eaten, left the house, or slept since Mattia died, I haven't even uses the bathroom that he died in since I've been using the downstairs bathroom. I planned on seeing Mattia again tonight. I walked into the kitchen to the medicine cabinet and grabbed my meds for my depression and walked up stairs to the bathroom immediatly seeing the blood stain on the tile. I grabbed the pen and paper Mattia had used and wrote Alvaro and Alejandro a note since the cold over to check on me every day. They already did their daily check on me today so I'm safe, I wrote my note and quickly took the whole bottle of pills.

Dear Ale and Varo,
I know you guys told me not to end up like Mattia but the pain is way to much, I'll miss you all You two, Robert, and Roshaun. Keep playing in the field for me and Matti, I know you two are together you hid it but not good enough buy the house a cross from the soccer feild for me and Matti. Bury me next to him please let me see him again because he's the reason I did this. I had to see him again and this was the only way, I'll see all of you  again someday so all of you stay strong for me and Matti

Love your Olaf,

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