Mairi: I miss you.....

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Kairi's POV

I can't keep this bottled up anymore, I have to tell someone who do I tell though? my parents? definitely not my dads homophobic and my mom does whatever my dad says, a counselor won't help at all, the boys? nah they'll turn it into a joke, Mattia? yeah maybe I should only tell him. I'm closest to Mattia out of all the boys and I can trust him not to turn this into a joke or tell anybody.

I'm currently laying in bed in my boxers and one of Mattia's shirts he left here. I'm trying to decided weather I go tell Mattia now or wait and tell him tomorrow at school? now is probably the better option so if it goes bad no one at school will over hear. Grabbing my phone I sent a text to him

(I'm on a computer so cant use emojis or social maker)


kai: Hey Tia can I come over?

                                                                                       Tia: Yea bubs, Is everything ok?

Kai: Not really but I'll see you soon

                                               Still Kairi's POV

After making sure Mattia read my last text I hopped of my bed and found some clothes which ended up being the the same shirt I have on which is Mattias then I put on a pair of sweatpants that I'm pretty sure are Alvaro's. Walking downstairs I rush to put my shoes on and grab a hoodie which I'm pretty sure is also Mattia's before walking out the door and starting my walk to Mattia's.

After walking about 10 minutes I decided to put my airpods in and listen to Someone you loved by Lewis Capaldi. Obviously if I'm listening tot that song I'm listening to my sad playlist but the next song was Unfaithful by Rhianna but before I could listen to any words I arrived in front of Mattia's house.

Walking up Mattia's driveway I started feeling more and more nervous as to what was bound to happen but before I knew it I was being pulled into a tight hug by none other than Mattia.

"Bubs, what's wrong?" Mattias usually deep and raspy  voice is still deep but smooth instead of raspy. Finally pulling away from the hug I don't want to speak up here and I think he got the idea because he moved to the side allowing me to enter the house before shutting the door and leading me down the stairs to his room. After opening his door he flops face first onto his bed then he makes grabby hands at me.

Giggling slightly I make my way over to Mattia but Instead of laying with him like he wanted I sit on the edge of the bed and Mattia immediately sits up with a frown on his face making my frown bigger. I sigh and Mattia scoots closer to me "Tia I- I hope you s-still accept m-me af-after th-th-this..." I paused to take a deep breath to try and stop my stuttering. " I-I'm g-gay".  

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