Where Is Your Boy Tonight

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Song Suggestion: Paradise Lost, a poem by John Milton - by The Used

(A/N: I've been listening to Green Day all day long. I always appreciate comments and votes. Have a good day <3)

The aroma of cooking food fills the kitchen; now that Ghost River is sure Civil Destruction is a killjoy, they ask for permission to use the hotel kitchen, with the promise of sharing some with Pete, the owner of the hotel. They make spaghetti, one of the few things Civil knows how to cook; one of Paints favorite dishes for Civil to make.

They had a good laugh earlier at the store. When they went to check out they flirted wildly and obviously with each other, other customers, and even the checkout clerk (much to his mortification).

The best part was when they flirted with the super buff guy in line behind them and he just batted his eyelashes and said they would have to try harder than that. The cashier nearly had a heart attack and the three of them burst out laughing.

There was a comfortable silence on the walk back to the hotel.

Ghost didn't know his way around a kitchen, so he was assigned the job of watching the water on the stove and alerting Civil when it starts boiling. He got bored of watching for bubbles, so he backed up and watched Civil instead. D*mn, he was falling fast.

Civil was aware of his watchful gaze. He didn't know how he felt towards Ghost, obviously they had been harmlessly flirting all afternoon, but it was harmless. Ghost doesn't have any feelings for him and he certainly doesn't have feelings for Ghost. He liked Paint, he knew Paint, he could trust Paint. Even though Paint might not reciprocate his feelings, he probably wouldn't be happy if Civil has feelings for another guy.

Regardless of anyone's feelings, the 'harmless' flirting continued.


The bedside tables were moved together in the small space in front of the bed. Two chairs were brought in, along with a small table cloth, silverware and napkins. It was really a nice set up. As nice as two wanted killjoys in Battery City could expect anyways.

Ghost carried a heap of spaghetti and spaghetti sauce in a bowl while Civil followed with plates. There were light chuckles as Ghost squeezed through the small room to get to his side of the table and when they sat down they shared a friendly smile.

For a while there was silence and both boys dug into the meal they made together. It was the best meal Ghost had probably ever had. Civil's excitement was barely dampened by the fact that Paint wasn't there to enjoy it, but it remained a constant weight over his head throughout the meal.

They swapped stories of their childhood and broke down into boisterous laughter more than once.

"Why did you go into that house earlier today?" Ghost finally asked, the question had been weighing on him all day. Civil tensed.

"My friend. Paint Bomb. He was kidnapped." Civil was shaking now. Ghost nodded, encouraging Civil to go on, and reached across the table to put a calming hand over Civil's spasming one.

Civil took a deep breath, "He's my everything. We left the city together, ran away when I was 15 and he was 17. We found an empty travel trailer, gutted and left in the middle of the desert, and made it home. Recently we had to get more supplies, we got separated," Ghost watched as a tear ran down Civil's face and he fought the urge to wipe it off.

"I ran home and tracked his location," at this point a sob coursed through Civil's body and Ghost was feeling inadequate in his ability to comfort the other boy. "I found where he was being kept, 12 Second St., and I went to find him. I love him, I have to get him back." Civil knew he was full-on ugly crying now, but he wasn't in a position to stop, he couldn't think straight.

Ghost reached across the table and grasped Civil's chin, bringing it to look up at him. "Sugar, I'm here. We're going to rescue your friend. Okay?" Civil nods as his sobs slowly resolve to hiccups.

The only face in Civil's mind in this instant is that of Paint, so when Ghost leans in and connects their lips he kisses back.

Reality hits Civil like a lightning strike. He jumps back, everything is fuzzy. Paint wouldn't be happy with Civil kissing Ghost. Paint wouldn't like it. Paint would think it's gross, two boys kissing, he's made that clear in the past.

With tear-stained cheeks, Civil runs out of the room and sprints all the way to the street.

Ghost collapses, hands on his face, and sheds a few tears of his own.


I can't sleep.

I hate Civ. He still hasn't saved me. I should have left him to clean up that rusty trailer on his own. I should have found some real friends who are actually able to rescue me when I need them to.

My kidnapper is much stronger than Civ, she certainly would have rescued me already if she was in Civ's place. I think I like her.

She asked me what my name was before I chose Paint. James. I'm called James now. I like it.

Goodnite again Journal,

Paint Bomb

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