Back to Normal

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Kokichi was laughing with Gonta and Miu. After a while, everything was back to normal. He was still teasing and pranking people, Miu was still dirty as ever, everything was much better. Even Maki apologized to him in which he accepted.

"Ouma-kun, do you want to hang out?" Rantaro appeared as soon as he left the cafeteria to go to his room. Kokichi smiled at him

"Nishishi... if I didn't know better, I'd say Amami-chan have feelings for me to ask me out like this." Rantaro only laughed as he rubbed the back of his head.

"I just thought we could roam around this place."

"Kk! Anything for my beloved Amami-chan!"

The two began exploring the place, smiling and laughing with each other every time Kokichi cracks up a joke.

"Still, this place is pretty big.."

"Yeah, you're right."

"Is my beloved Amami-chan getting tired??" Kokichi asked. Rantaro stopped.

"Ouma-kun.. why do you call me beloved?" He asked. Ouma hums.

"Cause I like you, duh." He said, smiling. Rantaro only stared at him before walking closer. Kokichi was a bit surprised when Rantaro got closer so he backed away until his back was pressed against the wall.

"Is that true?" He asked as he placed his hand on the wall, cornering Kokichi who only raised one of his eyebrows at him.

Honestly, Rantaro was curious. Does Kokichi really like him? Because Rantaro knows that he himself feels something for Kokichi, either it was affection or such, he knows it's something he haven't felt for anyone yet, except Kokichi.

"You're really cute, Ouma-kun.." he found himself saying. Ouma's face turned a little red as he looked away.

"Nishishi.. aren't you a playboy, Amami-chan?" He asked in a teasing tone.

"not really, just to you.." Kokichi's eyes widened at those statement.. was fucking Amami who he will admit that he's mildly attracted to fucking flirting with him? But that was Kokichi's thing.

"Amami-chan, are you flirting with me?"

"And if I am?" Amami asked innocently making Kokichi smirk.

"Cause I like it." Amami's eyes widened before he smiled again at the other who was only staring straight into his eyes.

Before he could say or do anything, a voice came out of nowhere.

"Um.. what the hell are you guys doing??" Kaito asked, eyes narrowing at the annoying and unexpected kabedon he stumbled to.

Rantaro pulled away and Kokichi only smirk before running towards Kaito, hiding behind his back.

"Help me, Momota-chan. Amami-chan's turning into an old pervert!" He said, hugging Kaito from behind. Kaito blushed slightly but begins to process what Kokichi just said.

"Wait, what??"

"Ouma-kun.. Don't joke about that.." Rantaro said, laughing slightly. Kaito figured out it was a lie so he just sighed but was still feeling that ache in his chest at seeing Kokichi being pinned by Rantaro..

"Hey, Amami. Do you mind if I borrow Ouma??" He asked. Amami's eye twitch before simply smiling.

"Sure. Well then.." He walked towards Kokichi who stopped hiding behind Kaito and was only smiling at him. Rantaro patted his head and smiled.

"See you tomorrow, Kokichi."



I'm also confused on what to use in 3rd pov, last names or first names?

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