Your worst or best decision

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Kokichi looked back at the guys.. It was Kiibo, Rantaro or Shuichi.. huh?

There are people he wants to kiss but one of them won't be as awkward both for him and that person than the others.. and he'll enjoy it, he's sure..

He began heading towards Shuichi and Rantaro's direction.. And he stopped in front of..


Rantaro tried to keep his usual composed face but the blush in his face was still a little visible..

Kokichi sat in his lap and placed his hands on his shoulder while Rantaro's hands held his hips..

With no permission granted, not that it's really needed, the two leaned in, pressing their lips together. Kokichi wrapped his arms around Rantaro. Rantaro gulped as he bit Kokichi's lower lip, making Kokichi gasp. Rantaro slid his tongue and he groaned as their tongues danced together. This was probably the best kiss he has ever had all this year.. especially from the person he likes from all people.. it was the best..

Kokichi clutched harder against Rantaro's clothes as he kissed him. The two was sharing such a great kiss that they forgot that people was around them.. Before each of their hand could sneak it's way to the other's clothes to take it off, some people came and pull them away from each other. Horror and blush in their face..

"Um.. guys, we have Gonta-kun here and the dare said kiss not fully make out that you're about to take each other's clothes off..." Kaede said. The two blushed as they stared at each other and then looked away. The people around them.. were jealous..

"I'm leaving." Kaito declared as he walked out. Korekiyo followed and the game ended with no winner and heavy feelings. Except for the lucky bastard Rantaro..

Rantaro entered his room but stopped at the note at the front of his door.

'Meet me in the room where the pods are.



Is someone planning to kill someone?? Like 11037 here?? I hope not.


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