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Shuichi sighed as he stared at the door. He couldn't forget about yesterday... Kokichi says he forgives him but why does he feel uneasy..?

"Um... Did anyone see Ouma-kun??" Akamatsu asked. Everyone looked around.

"Is he still sleeping?" Some asked.

"I'll go wake him--" Surprisingly, Rantaro, Shuichi and Kaito all synched, causing for some giggles around them.

"I'll do it." Rantaro said and smiled at the two. Both Shuichi and Kaito felt annoyance inside of them but only agreed and sat down.

Rantaro was about to head out but stopped when the door opened.

Everyone stopped as they stared at the door, eyes wide. Kokichi was smiling to them, beside him was Tsumugi Shirogane, looking down..

"You bitch!" Miu shouted and was about to lunged at Tsumugi who flinched harshly as she backed away but before Miu could reach her, Kokichi blocked her.

"What the fuck, Cockichi??" Miu asked, glaring at Kokichi who was blankly staring at her

"Learn how to listen to her first, cum dumpster." To everyone's surprise, Miu didn't moan or anything but only continued glaring at Tsumugi who was trembling.

"It's obvious that she fucking trap us here for another killing game!!" Miu shouted

" I..I.." Tsumugi tried speaking but got shut down when Miu continued glaring at her.

"Listen to her first." Everyone flinched at that low tone from Kokichi, even Miu flinched but felt necessary to oblige. All of them felt it. Miu sighed before walking back to her seat.

Kokichi return to his normal self and smiled at everyone. Despite everything, he still is the Ultimate Supreme Leader, the charisma to make people listen to him and do what he commanded was something he's born with

He turned around and patted Tsumugi's shoulder.

"Come on." He said as he lead her. Everyone only stared as Kokichi sat down and made Tsumugi sat between him and Gonta.

"Shirogane-san.. why did you put us through that?" Kaede asked. Tsumugi looked down, biting her lips before answering with a shaky voice.

"I... didn't want to... I was manipulated... by the despair.."


"You mean the remnants??" Shuichi asked. Tsumugi shook her head.

"They were different, just some people with money and wants to see despair... They turned me into the Mastermind..."

"Then, where the fuck are we??" Miu asked.

"I.. don't know.."

"how do you not know?" Maki ask, glaring at her.

"I really don't know!" Tsumugi said franctically as she began crying while whispering..

"I'm sorry." Repeatedly..

Gonta patted her back and Tsumugi only cried at his side.

"I didn't want to... I'm sorry.." She continued crying. Soon, everyone pitied her and assure her it wasn't her fault. Then. Everyone calmed down.

"Okay, mom! I want pancakes!" Kokichi shouted excitedly. Kirumi only smiled at him and starts preparing.

"Ouma. Why is Shirogane with you?" Maki asked.

"hmm?? I saw her woke up so I interrogated her and brought her here."  he said as he continued eating his pancakes.

"you saw her?" Miu asked

"Ouma-kun was sleeping in a pod next to me when I woke up.. then he woke up and helped me.." Tsumugi said.

"Why were you sleeping in your pod?" Korekiyo asked, eyes analyzing and with suspicion..

"For a change of pace??" Kokichi answered asked. Some just sighed while some were still suspicious, especially Shuichi.

"So.. are we supposed to stay at this place forever?" Tenko asked.

"I don't know."

"I don't mind." Hoshi said. Some found themselves agreeing with him.

"Well, at least Monokuma isn't here."


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