{ Chapter :1 } We are off to London

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Chapter: 1

I wake up and look at the clock, which reads 3 a.m. I know its super early!  My mom and I have to leave for the airport in about an hour. Our flight takes off at five from LAX.

I cannot believe that today is the flipping day! We are leaving for London! It's going to be so great!! I am going to enjoy the beautiful culture with my friends!

I get out of my comfortable bed and go into the bathroom to get a quick shower. After my shower, I make sure that I have everything for my trip in my suitcase. All I am wearing right now is a towel over my head and my black fuzzy robe. I turn my attention back to my bags. I have two suitcases that are packed. Both of them are bright pink with green polka dots on them! Pink and greens are my favorite colors.

We are going to be in London for at least 2-3 weeks, maybe more. A girl has to have her clothes!  Ha-ha! I hear my mom rummaging through stuff down the hall. I pull my suitcases to the side and go back to the bathroom to blow dry my hair. My hair is naturally curly so it will be easier if I keep it that way, so I can get ready fast.

After I finish my hair, I put very little make up on because we have a long day ahead of us. I applied foundation and powder. I also dust my lids with a dark eye shadow.  After my eyes were complete, I grabbed out my blush. I also did a light pink blush on my high cheekbones.

I slip on my grey sweats and a school t-shirt. I finish off my outfit with my black Toms. I am going to be going comfy today, because we have a long plane ride ahead of us! Trust me I am the type of person who wants to look good but I am not going to dress up for a plane ride.

By the time I am done it's already 4. We have to be there by at least 4:30 or sooner. I rush out of my room with my two big suitcases, my purse, and my phone.

"MOM! WE HAVE TO LEAVE ASAP!"I shouted down the hall.

"I hear you Katie Marie!"She snaps. Oopsie.

I grab a bag from the counter that has breakfast in it and I go to the car.  My mom is not far behind me. She gets into the car and starts it. Mom pulls out of the drive way and we have at least a 10-15 minute drive to LAX.

We barely met any traffic on the road, besides the others who were going on the trip.  I scarf down my breakfast quickly as we drive. Mom packed me an egg, sausage, and cheese biscuits. Yummy!

When we made it to the airport, I got out of my mom’s SUV and unloaded my bags from the back of her trunk.

"Have fun sweetie! Call me or send me a text when you make it dear."She looks like she could cry! I hate that she is going to be alone while I am gone. My dad is somewhere else. I have not seen him in years.

"I will Mom! I love you." I say giving her a big hug. I pull away from her and kiss her cheek.

As I walk off I hear her say, "I love you my baby!" I am going to miss her.

I find the group waiting inside the front entrance of the airport. There are at least 30-40 maybe more of us going on this trip. I spot Becky and Paige off to the side of the group. Paige is also my best friend, but Becky and I are closer though.

They all run over to me and hug me. "Hey Chickie!" Becky says enthusiastically.

"Hey Girls." I greet the both of them.

I'm sleepy but excited!! Our chaperones tell us single file line. We are not kindergartner's any more people!

We all line up and wait to check our bags in. One-by-one, we get our bags checked and now we all have to go through airport security. Yay! Not! This is my first time flying. I am nervous! We girls watched too much Final Destination on the weekends.

After all, of our group got though airport security, we have to wait in our terminal to be able to load the plane.  Finally, the flight attendant says, "Flight BA 015 Now Loading." After about 30 minutes we had been sitting, is when they said we could board.

We all take our seats and I am not near my friends. Boo! I am mad. I am actually sitting by the schools biggest Priss! Alexandria. She thinks she's "Queen Bee" of the school! I actually think she's the schools biggest slut.. Oops, sorry, not sorry.

When we finally take off, they say we can plug in music or get on the WIFI, with our laptops.  They did bring all of us a drink and a choice of a snack. I got a Dr. Pepper and peanuts. After that, I just plug in my iPod and started to listen to One Direction. Yes, I am a Directioner! There is only one member that irritates me and that is.... Harry Styles. I just hate how he has a different girl all the time. The other guys have steady girlfriends or not one at all, but Harry sleeps with many women. It annoys me!

We had at least a 2-3 hour ride on this plane, and then we were transferring to another that would be going to London. The second flight will be 14 hours long. Shoot me, now!!

After the two in half hours, we swapped planes. We managed not to lose anyone in the process of running to the next terminal. I wish that we would lose Miss Priss though. She always picks on me. This time I was not stuck by her, but by Colby Jones. He is the schools most popular football star. 

Colby is 5'9 probably. He has well defined muscles. I have to admit he is good looking, but he is a jerk and player. I do not date players or jerks! He has sandy blonde hair that is shaggy in the front. He and Miss Priss are an 'Item', Yeah I know. No Brainier Huh?

On this fight, they are going to feed us since it is a 14-hour ride. I do the same as last flight, plug in my iPod and tune out the world. I am singing along the One Directions new album Take Me Home. It ROCKS! That reminds me of a lyric "I want you to rock me, rock me, rock me, yeah," Ha-ha, this song rocks!

14 Hours will be the longest of my life. Half of ride I listened to music until my iPod died. Boo, sad face! The flight attendant brought around food. Let me just say, "GROSS!" I decided after my meal that since I can't hear my music anymore because of my iPod is dead,  I'll sleep. I did sleep the whole time to.

I woke up hours later to the sound of the pilot saying, "We are now landing in London, England. Fasten your seat belts. We are preparing for landing."

We all prepared to land. I fastened my seat belt and prayed. I hate when we land because something could go wrong. See again the Final Destination crap getting to my head!

We unload the plane and ran off to the baggage claim to gather our luggage. Mine is easy to spot since its pink and green polka dots. I grab mine and stand off to side waiting for the others to get theirs. Finally, the girls have theirs and are beside me waiting to be told what to do next. Guess what time it is here?? MORNING. Are you kidding me? Get ready body for some serious Jet lag.

We all get our bags and head to the hotel. We all will be staying at Park Plaza Westminster Bridge London Hotel. I am excited this place is beautiful. We actually got to pick who we wanted to room with weeks ago. I got my BFF's of course. The adults said, "No guys will be staying with and of the ladies." We know the drill. That does not mean that some of these kids will listen to these adult. We do not have to report to them anymore after this.

 We all go to our rooms and we are in 'Room 309'.  We go inside and the place is magnificent! We set our things down and jump up and down. "WE'RE IN LONDON!!!"We shout together!


Sorry it's short! It'll get better promise!

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<3 Steph


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