{ Chapter: 2 } The Concert

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Chapter: 2

We all have at least and an hour and a half before we have to go sight see with the rest of the group. Becky and Paige are just as big of 'Directioner’s' as I am! Becky is in love with Harry. Paige loves Niall because he is cute, blonde, and Irish. I personally like Liam and Louis. They are the sweet and funny ones to me.

Becky is typing away at her laptop when I see her face light up! Looks like we about to get into trouble because of this!

"O-M-G Guys!"She shouts. Paige and me look at each other and then look at Becky with the 'What' look on our faces.

"ONE FREAKING DIRECTION IS HAVING A CONCERT TONIGHT, TONIGHT!"She screams. When she gets extremely excited and I mean extremely she repeats words at the end of her sentences. Crazy Heifer!

"Are you freaking kidding me?"Paige bounces up and down on her bed.

"No I'm not."Becky says. “Guys it's almost sold out 10 tickets left."

"BUY THEM, BUY THEM RIGHT FREAKING NOW!!!!"Paige yells rapidly at Becky.

Becky does some clicks on the computer. "Bought them!" She yells to inform us.

OMG! I am going to a One Direction Concert tonight! Super exciting!

 ~1 hours and 1/2 later~

Our chaperone's come and knock on our doors and yell, "10 minutes to be in lobby or you’re getting left!!!"

We threw on better clothes, fixed our makeup, and headed out of the hotel room.  I have now replaced my sweats with my ''Miss Me" Jeans. My school t-shirt is now replaced with a Red, Abercrombie, Brittany, Sweater and one of their black lacy tanks under it. I finished the outfit with my sparkly Toms. I feel like Louis Tomlinson all the time with my Toms! They are my favorite shoes and so are his! Perfect for each other!  Lol. I am Just Kidding!

We met the rest of the students and the chaperone's in the lobby of the hotel. We probably had at least 10-20 chaperone's with us, just so they can try to even students to chaperons. Look people that is not happening. We are already out numbering you all.

We spent at least 3-4 hours looking around and shopping, before we made it back to the hotel.  When we came back to the hotel the Chaperone's told us, we can go out tonight as long as we were back by 11. I do not know if we will or not. We will see. We did have to at least tell an adult where we were headed, so we did. They did not like the idea to well. I am going either way. Screw them!

We all started rushing to get ready. I am still wearing what I have on now to the concert.  Paige and Becky had to go all-fancy and stuff. These are my concert clothes. Some people found out about One Direction in concert, but they were too late. Too bad suckers!

We all were done getting ready. The Concert starts at eight. We left hotel about 6:30 so we could get some good spots in line. We took a taxi to the location of the concert.

 On our way, I send mom a text.

 Katie: Just now had time to text you mom. I am safe. Love you! (;  Oh, by the way… I am going to a 1D concert right this very second! :P

She replied in no time. She must have been up already waiting by the phone.

Mom: Hey, baby! Glad that you are safe! I love you too! & Enjoy it. Do not bring home a member of One Direction! ha-ha.

Did my mom use "HaHa?" I think the women did!  Lol!

Boy, was this place full. Some of these girls are dressed so slutty! They must think the guys like that, well maybe Harry does. Who know?.

We pay the taxi man, hop out of the cab, and make our way in line.  They said they would let us in around 7:30-7:40 to get in our seats. I believe Olly Murs will be opening up for 1D. I love him too.

We girls kept gushing over what member we loved. People looked at me in disgust when I said, "I'm not a huge fan of Harry."

One girl said that I was an "F***ing Idiot." Really? I wanted to punch her but I am not a bad person. I am actually one who NEVER gets into a bit of trouble.

I am just sitting in line listing to these people talk and I love their accents. Very attractive, well it would be if they all weren’t girls.

After hours of waiting, they let us in. I never realized that we had front row, middle seats. Hell Yeah! I am stoked. We all start snapping photos with each other and tweeting that we are at a 1D concert.

Finally, the concert starts and Olly Murs starts their set. He totally rocked. We so snapped pictures and videos the whole time. Memories that we never want to forget!

When they got done It was finally time for ONE DIRECTION!!!!!

We heard a person over the intercom say, "Are we all ready for One Di-rection." You know what all of us said, "Hell Yeah," or "DUH."

Finally they all take the stage.

This is what they were wearing:

Louis is wearing his signature red chinos, white shirt with black stripes, and white sneakers. Sexy as ever

Harry wore a navy jacket with white lining on the collar and red on the pocket. Underneath his navy jacket is a white t-shirt with a red lining around the neck. Khaki pants with red converses.

Liam had on a plaid blue, white, and red button up shirt. Khaki's that were the same as Harry's. To finish off he had red converses like Harry had on.

Zayn had on his signature blue varsity jacket with a plain white shirt under. He had same pants as Harry and Liam. To finish his look off, Zayn had on a pair of Nike High tops.

Niall had a red polo on. Same pants as the other 3 boys. He had  on a pair ofblue high top sneakers on.

I kept staring at all of them in awe!! I've never been this close to a celebrity before!! They all looked so hot, even Harry!

Harry's attractive and all, I just hate how he is a womanizer.

I sang every word to every song that they sang. I even did their send in a tweet during the show thing.

The MOST AMAZING Experience. EVER!!

I will never forget this day for several reasons....

To Be continued..


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ScGirl2011 (Stephanie)


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