•Chapter one•

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Hello everyone!!!! This is going to be story about our favorite Prince Izana. This is also going to be a x reader story. I hope you enjoy the story. Thank you for reading it . (This chapter is about you when you meet prince Izana and his family for the first time and you were 7 years old. Also the first few chapter are going to be about your childhood. This plays a big role in to Y/n's life and the story.)


3rd person POV
"Princess Y/n you have guesses coming over" one of the her personal maid said as she entered her room.

" The royal family from wistal castle is coming over and will be staying for a month. So you have to get ready to meet them ok" she continued

" Ok I'll get ready" y/n said

So y/n is the first princess of Arian and she is only seven years old, but at your age you were already involved with thing in the castle. You were doing thing that you were suppose to be doing at age 15. You were quite mature for a 7 year old.

"Princess are you done?" The maid asked

" Yes I'm done. I'll be out in a second" you answered back.

Y/n's POV
Today is the day that i will meet the royal family from clarnes. I was told that your were 2 princes. One around my age and one my sister's age. You can say that I am quite excited to make new friend. I like to be friends with everyone no matter the status.

When I am not doing princess duty's, I'm usually helping around the town. I help the farmers plant. I help the seamstress make clothes. I also help in the orphanage. My sister and I play with the kid and we bring old toys that we don't play with anymore. If I'm not able to leave the castle i am helping around the in the castle. I help the maid cook and clean and I do other thing. I guess by doing all this I have gain useful skills, so if I am in a bad situation I can help myself using these skills I've learned.

I walked out my room to see Ms. Leda - my personal maid- waiting outside to escort me to the front gate where the rest of my family are.

We arrived at the gate and I see my sister running around.

"So cute" I thought

I walked up to my parent and they told me what was the plan when they arrive.

" Y/n as the oldest, when the princes arrive I would like you to show them around the castle and answer any questions they had. Bring S/n with you ok. Since I know you like to make friend I think you giving them the tour will make them more comfortable." Your father said

" of course, I'll make sure they are comfortable in the castle", I answered excitedly

3rd person POV
Y/n family and the wistaria family had something in common, they both had family secrets that they share. To the first child of the family they were connected to a dragon. The first child is birth with a birthmark of a dragon. The placement of the birthmark is different for everyone. Y/n had the birthmark from her hip to the thigh. Izana's birthmark was down his back. The second child of the royal family is birth a normal child and the are not allowed to know about the secret too. Only the personal maid and the royal family doctor knows about the secret and yes the parent already know the secret too. Something Y/n wishes to bath with her sister, but she can't because the birthmark on her thigh. Y/n is not able to bond with her sister as much because of the secret and this upsets her, but what can she do.

The sound of a rolling carriage and horse hoof filled my hears. I walk closer to the sound and see that is was the carriage that was carrying the royal family. The closer it got the more excited I got.

The carriage finally arrived in front of the gate. The door of the carriage opened and a man walk out. He stand and held the door open. First a man that looks powerful walks out. Then he held his hand out and a beautiful woman grabbed it and walked out. After that a boy with hair as white as snow comes out. He look my sisters age. And then the last boy walk out the carriage, he was breathe taking. He looked so pretty that he can be easily mistake as a girl. He had short blonde hair and blue eye. His hair was down to his shoulders. It looked like silk and I bet it felt like it too.

"Haruto it's so good to see you", my mother said as she run up to her and gave her a hug.

"It's so good to see you too M/n", the woman exclaimed back

" Are these your sons?", My mother ask

" Yes they are. The one with white hair is zen. He's my youngest son and the one with the blonde hair is the oldest and his name is Izana. Boys can you say hello to her", the woman said

" Nice to meet you Queen M/n." the boy in blonde said

" Hello Queen M/n." the boy with white hair said

" It's nice to meet you too boy" My mother returned the jester

" I would like you to meet my daughter" my mother said

" The one with the blue hair is Y/n she is the eldest and the one with black hair is S/n and her is the youngest. You all look around the same age. " my mother said

" Yes, Izana is turning 8 next week and zen is only 6 and his birthday isn't coming for a while", the lady said

" Y/n's 7 and her birthday is next month and same with S/n. she only 6 and her birthday isn't in a while" My mother laughs while saying it

"Hello my name is Y/n and this is S/n. It's nice to meet the both of you" My sister and I bow and said to the boys standing in front of me

I practice my English. So I think I'm ok with communicating. But my French accent is heavy. I hope they understand me.

" oh hm hello my names is Izana and this is zen. And it is also nice to meet you" Izana said bowing back

" Today I will be show you and zen around the castle. My parents thought it would be easier to have me show you around then one of the aides, since we are around the same age." I said shyly look down as I said the last part.

"Thank you," Izana said

" Alright let go!!! Come on S/n" grabbing S/n hand as I said that

Izana and zen followed me into the castle.


Thank you for reading the first chapter. I am grateful that you stood around. I hope you come back for the first chapter. ~Tsunami

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