•Chapter two•

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Hello welcome back!!!! Today I'm going to continue the story about your childhood. Hope you enjoy 😊


Y/n's POV
" So is there a specific title that you guy want me to call you or is first names ok?" I said

" You can call me whatever." Izana said with kind of an attitude

" You can just call me zen." he said smiling

"Lets start the tour" I said

We walked around the castle. I answer all the questions they had. Well zen was the only one asking. But as we were walking around I can feel a pair on eye staring at me. I turn around and see that Izana is staring at me.

"Is there something wrong Izana?" I ask

" You accent is kind of annoying" He said smirking

" I'm so sorry. There nothing I can do to get rid of it. I'll try talking less so you don't have to heard it as much" I said look down, taken aback from what he said. That kind of made me sad. I didn't mean to annoy him.

" Umm do you understand French?? If you do, I can just speak in it so you don't have to hear the accent. I said giving his another option

" You can just speak English" Izana said rolling his eyes.

" But you just said that you find my accent-" I said but confused

" I said it fine." Izana yelled.

"......umm ok", I said not knowing why to do.

" So where will we be staying?" Zen ask try to help lighten up the atmosphere.

" Um oh do you guy want to stay in the same room or do you guys what different rooms?" I ask

" I think it is better to have different rooms" Izana said

"Ok follow me." I said

I lead them to Izana's room, which is near mine.

" So the room across my room will be Izana's . If you need anything you can ask my personal maid Ms. Leda or you can ask me" I said

"For zen, your room is across S/n's room which is down that hall. S/n can take you there. And also if you need anything ask her personal maid or ask S/n or me." I continued

"The maids will alert you guys when lunch is ready. I think you guy deserve it from that walking I made you do and all the sitting you guys did in the carriage." I said smiling

" Ok you guy will heard a knock on your door in a few minutes. It will be someone with you luggage, so don't be alerted" I explained

" You guy can go to your room. I'm going to go tell the maid and your parent's that you guys are in here." I said

I bowed and walked away. I went to go find Ms. Leda  to tell her that the princes are in their room and that I assigned Izana with her. I'm kind of sad. I think that Izana doesn't like me. I just wanted to be friends. I didn't mean to annoy him. I hope I'm the future I can somehow befriend him.

" Ahh Princess, how are the princes?" Ms. Leda ask

"Oh I brought them to their rooms. And I also told Prince Izana that if he need anything to come to you because we both have you know what." I ask whispering the last part

" Knows what?" Duchess A/n also known are your aunt ask as she walked in with an eyebrow raised

" Oh it's nothing" I said awkwardly smile like I didn't say anything

" .... Right." My aunt said rolling her eyes and walking around.

I like my aunt I find her cool, but for some reason I feel like she don't like me. She treats my sister like an angel. But for some reason she act different towards me.

3rd person POV
And Y/n is correct. The Duchess didn't like her. More like hated her. Y/n has only treated the duchess with kindness. But for the duchess the hate is more like jealousy. She always wanted the throne, but she is the second child so her sister is the queen. The only way for duchess A/n to get the crown is if the whole royal family dies.

Time skip

It's been a few day since the royal family from Clarnes came to the castle. Izana has been less mean to Y/n seeing how she was always kind to him.

It was lunch time and the two family's were all sitting at the big dining table. Izana was sitting across from Y/n. S/n was sitting next to Y/n and across her was zen. Zen and S/n has gotten closer in these few day which is good.

The food came out and Y/n mouth started watering.

"Y/n i can see you drooling from here" Izana said with a smirk

" How can you not drool" Y/n said with a sparkle in her eye

Izana just laugh as he was getting ready to eat.

The king said the prayers and everyone dug into the food.

Y/n's POV
I started eating the food, but there was something wrong. The taste it was different. It was like something was added to the food. I look around to see if anyone had the same reaction, but it look like it was only me. I can't feel my throat tighten up. I started panicking a little so I decided to take a sip of the drink. The drink taste sour. It was weird. I started cough. I couldn't breathe. I can feel my body getting hot. I felt like throwing up. Everything hurt. And I started crying.

" Y/n are you alright?" Izana said with worry in his tone.

I shook my head no. I'm not alright. I'm in pain. I can't breathe. I was definitely not alright.

Ms. Leda's POV 
Prince Izana waved me over.

" I think something is wrong with Y/n. She's crying and it looks like she is in pain. She also started coughing." Prince Izana said with worry in his tone.

I walked over to Y/n and put my hand on her forehead and can feel that Y/n has a fever. I make  Y/n stand up, but she just clasped. Coughing as breathing hard. The princess was fine before eating the meal.

" Ms. Leda what is wrong with my daughter." She says running up to Y/n on the floor.

" Princess Y/n was fine before she began her meal. From what I can see she only took a few bites of her food and a sip of her drink." As I said examining her food.

" I think Y/n...."


Thank you for reading the chapter. I hoped you enjoyed it. Sorry I let you guys on a cliffhanger 😋~ Tsunami

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