•Chapter four•

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Hello everyone, welcome back. This is continuing of from chapter three. I hope you like it.


Ms. Leda's POV
" I really like the castle. Everyone's been so nice especially Y/n, but I only took her kindness for granted. I thought that she was going to treat me like the other princesses and princes I've met." Prince Izana says looking down with a sad look in his eyes.

"How have the other royals treated you?" I ask curiously

" They all treat me so badly. Even if we are both royal they like talking down to me and zen. I remember one of the royals that we visited the prince for some reason he hated us. And we did nothing to them. Maybe they hated the fact that there was another royal in his castle. There was another person on his level. He verbally abuse me and zen. And then one day he said something so hurtful to zen and he started crying. I guess I had enough and I snap. I punch him and I started yell at him to apologize to zen and he never did." He says as he look like he is about to cry.

Poor kid. I don't blame him for think that Princess Y/n was going to do the same, but the princess is different.

" I honestly think you did the right things. Aggressive yes, but you protected your brother. Most people would never talk back even if their family members were the victim. They don't want to define anyone. Princess Y/n would of done the exact thing if it was anyone in that position. You guys have the same heart. You protect the things most precious. Even at a young age you guy know right from wrong." I explained

" So when I came to this castle to meet the royal family I was expecting it to be the same with the other castles, but I was wrong and I treated her badly. I hope she doesn't see me as a bad person. I wish I apologized sooner." He said full of regret

" I know that princess doesn't see you as a bad person. You just got off the wrong feet and if you told her what you told me she'll be very happy that you see her as kind. Plus she believes in second chances." I said with a smile

Me and the prince talked for a few hours. I told him about the princess like her favorite color and food and what she like to do in her free time which she rarely gets. I also told him about how she want to be closer to her sister but is not able to because of the secret. The prince agreed with that statement and wishes he can do the same.

Y/n's POV
Uhhh my head. My head hurts. And I feel hot. What's happening. Oh wait, I remember. I ate or drink something and the next thing I know I'm throwing up. And then I don't remember anything after that. As I was trying to remember I hear talking coming from my left. I try getting up to see, but I feel a excruciating amount pain coming from my stomach. I felt like screaming.

" Princess don't get up to quickly. You have a high fever. Lay back down." Ms. Leda exclaimed as she walked over to me.

I did as she said. I look around my room and I see Izana. We made eye contact for a few seconds and Izana looked down.

" You are going to have to stay in bed for a while. Prince Izana fed you the medicine Mrs. Lee made. He's been very worried about you and decided to stay and take care of you." Ms. Leda said as she looked at Izana.

He was worried about me. I thought that he didn't like me. But I guess I was wrong. I blushed think about him taking care of me.

" Thank you so much Izana." I said weakly smiling while lightly blushing.

" oh you're welcome." He said with his head down with a faint blush in his cheeks.

He walk up to me and removed the towel and put his hand on my forehead.

"How are you feeling?" Izana said barely whispering

" I'm still in a lot of pain and my head hurt, but i feel better then before." I said smiling

" That's good. He said smiling back

This time looking me in the eye. Wow he eye are are beautiful. A deep blue. I blushed realizing that I was staring. How embarrassing. I was about to put the covers over my head, but Izana grab my hand before I was able too.

" Don't cover your face. I like looking at your e/c eyes. " He said blushing a deep pink.

I blushed an even deeper pink. Omg his holding my hand. Omg he likes my eyes. What do I do?!!!

" I have something to tell you." Izana said looking down about but still holding my hand.

"What is it?" I ask

" I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I was rude to you when we first met. They was a reason for it. The other royals I met they treated me and zen poorly. So I was just being cautious. I'm so sorry." Izana said almost whispering

" It's 100% fine. There's no need to apologize. I understand where you coming from. The same thing happened with me and S/n every time with visit. It got so bad that we stopped visiting other royals castle and we just invited them here. I guess as the older sibling we feel the need to protect the younger one even if it gets us in trouble." I said weakly still looking at Izana.

" I guess you right." Izana said with a smile

Izana gave my hand a squeeze and signed.

" I was worried that you hated me." Izana said

" I think we just got of the wrong foot, but I never hated you especially now that you helped me. You're the reason I'm still alive. If you didn't tell Ms. Leda that I wasn't ok then I would be chilling in my death bed." I said laughing at my last statement.

"I'm glad that you are ok." Izana said

"I'm glad I am too." I said with smile

3rd person POV
And that is how Prince Izana and Princess Y/n started their friendship.


Thank you everyone for read the chapter. See you in the next one. Now the story can start. ~Tsunami

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