•Chapter five•

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Hello welcome back. I hope you enjoy this chapter


3rd person POV
It's  been about two weeks since the incident happened. Princess Y/n start feeling better with in a few day and her new friendships with Izana has grown. They have gotten really close in the last two weeks. They also celebrated Izana's 8th birthday. Right now the prince and the princess are playing. They are running around the castle. The king and queen had a meeting also as for Izana's parents.

So Princess Y/n and Prince Izana gotten bored of running around, so they decided to go see what their parents were doing (aka spying). They reached the door. They can hear conversations going on behind the door.

Y/n's POV
" Let's listen to what they are talking about." I said quite excitedly.

" Are you sure this is ok?" Izana question

" Definitely not, but we have nothing better to do." I said laughing

I put my ear on the door and I hear.....

"Princess Y/n and Izana has gotten close in these  two weeks don't you agree?" Woman's voice said

" They gotten close after that incident that happened to our sweet Y/n." Another voice of a woman said

" I find it sweet. I've never seen Izana so comfortable with other royals before. He definitely has a soft spot for Y/n." A voice of a man said

I blush at that statement, but continued to listen.

"Yes the last time we visit the other royals, Izana always arguing with the royal child. And he got into a fight with one of them." A voice of the man continued

I looked over at Izana and I see him looking down at the floor because of the statement.

"Izana what's wrong?" I ask

"I wish I find a better solution instead of hitting the prince. I caused a lot of problems for my parent. They got into arguments with that royal family because of me and we are not welcome there anymore." He said looking like he was almost about to cry

" I think you did what you could of done. If you didn't hit him, and went to tell someone the they were being rude I don't think anyone would of believed you. I feel like hitting him show that you were not going to stand for his acts. And you protected zen with everything you got so I see it as a win." I said smiling at Izana

"Anyway let's continue to listen. I have a feeling that it's about to get juicy." I said smirking.

I put my ear back in the door

" Let's talk about the marriage arrangement." The voice of a woman said

A marriage arrangement interesting. I wonder who's it for.

"Ah yes the one with Y/n and Izana." A voice of a man said

Did he just say me and Izana? Me and Izana are going to get married. I'm going to marry my new best friend. I blushed a dark red hearing what they said. I looked over to Izana and see that he is also blushing.

" Well we are quite a ways away. This is happening when they are 18. They are just kids now. We shouldn't worried them with it yet." The voice of the other man said

" But the thought for them getting married makes me so happy that I want to cry." A voice of a woman said

" Well save the tear for the real wedding honey." The mans voice said laughing

We're really getting married. Well not now when we are 18. A part of me was happy because I the marriage is with someone I know. But I wonder what Izana thinks. I may not be the one that he was to marry. I thought about the last statement and looked down at the floor afraid to look at Izana.

"Y/n what's wrong?" He ask

" I'm sorry that you have to marry me." I said on the verge of tears

" Why are you sorry. You didn't do anything. In fact I'm quite happy that I'm going to get married with you. I really do like you." Izana says blushing a darker red then before.

" You like me?!?" I said shock with a dark red blush on my face.

" I do. I know we just meet two weeks ago, but I feel the most comfortable with you. You treat me like a person and I like you personality." He says looking down still blush.

" I can says the same for me. Even if we first got of in the wrong foot at the beginning , I still feel happy around you." I said

Omg I want to die. This is embarrassing. But I am happy. I think this is the most happy I've been. I'm so happy I meet Izana.

"I think that's enough listening for today" Izana said

" I agree. I'm scary to hear what is next." I said with a laugh

He laugh and we started walking away from the door. We decided to go find S/n and zen. We walk in a silence, but a comfortable one. We look around and we couldn't find them. So we when to go ask my sister personal maid. We arrived at her door and knocked. The door opened.

"Sorry to disturb you, but have you seen S/n and zen?" I ask

" Yes the last time I seen them I think they were in S/n's room playing." She said

"Oh ok thank you." I said

We walk over to S/n room and and knocked on the door. We didn't hear a response so I open the door and me and Izana walked into the room. I close the door and I turn around to see S/n and Zen asleep on her bed probably exhausted from the playing I assume because of the toy next to then.

" Awww their sleeping." I said whispering

"Ya they are." Izana said also whispering

Izana walked over to them and started to put the toys away. I also join and started helping him. A few minutes later we were done. Izana walked up to them and covered them with a blanket.

" Sweet dream you too" he said and walked over to me.

We both quietly walk towards the door. We took one final look at them and walked out of the room.


This was a juicy chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it. ~Tsunami

1082 words

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