Following her

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Blake's POV:
Antonia pulled Isadora to the side after an awkward ten minutes. They seemed to be having a pretty intense conversation so I just stayed talking to Atlas.

"Dude you should totally come to movie night with us," said Atlas.

"Movie night? When?" I asked.

"Mondays. You know to make Mondays not so-"

"Wait where's Is going?" Interrupted Malic.

I looked over to the table Antonia pulled Isadora to. Antonia just stood there staring with a distant look and tears streaming down her face. I quickly went over to her to see what was going on.

"Antonia," I said hastily.

She suddenly looked at me. She looked surprised. "Don't talk to me. I'm not the one that needs you. Follow Antonia. She's going to the chorus room."

I looked behind me and saw Isadora running out of the lunch room with her hair in her face. "Ok," I said. I pushed off the table and followed her out.

The chorus room is all the way across the school from the cafeteria. A couple of times I had to duck behind a trash can to avoid being seen by her.

I finally reached the room and quietly opened the door. She was sitting in the corner with her head in her knees. I started to walk to her, but a hand on my shoulder stopped me. I looked back a saw Caleb standing behind me. He shook is head slightly. He should handle this, not me. He knew her better, I didn't.

I stepped out of his way to let him in the room. He walked over to Isadora and knelt down. He whispered something to her that I couldn't hear, but apparently it was the right thing to say because she lifted her head and fell into his chest. She was sobbing.

I closed my eyes imagining it being me. Her hands wrapping around me, wanted to never let go. Her tears staining my shirt. Her head against mine.

When I opened my eyes I looked back over to Caleb and Isadora. They were kissing. But no guy had a chance with her. No one did. Well apparently no guy but Caleb.

I was broken. Caleb helped me talk to her and helped me know what it would take to get to her. But now I know...

It was all for him.

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