Chapter Four

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* Justice's POV *
Her. Piper Miller. The girl who had me awestruck in the middle of the hallway. Caleb and I were lost and she came to our rescue. I couldn't even speak to her, Caleb did all of the talking. Answering all her questions about the pair of us. I was too busy falling in love with her by the second. Falling for her hair, long and black with blue highlights sprinkled in. Falling for her eyes, the purest brown. Almost like cute little peanuts. When we got to our room she giggled. "Here you guys are! It was so nice to meet you both!" And like that she was gone. Disappointed in myself I sulked into our room. Yes OUR room. Since the dorms were organized by last name Caleb and I were sharing a room. How wonderful for me. Our bags had already arrived so I decided to start unpacking some things. I flung my envelope of assignments on the bed I claimed as mine and began to unpack hoping to the high heavens Caleb wouldn't ask. But this is Caleb we are talking about. So you can guess what he did. "Sis, I saw you out there. It was kinda cute watching you, but I don't want you to get hurt. How do you know she likes girls?" He asked. Wrong thing to ask and wrong time to ask bro. "I don't know if she likes girls, you're right. Whatever. I don't even want a relationship right now. We just got here and in case you haven't noticed we each have huge folders of assignments due tomorrow so if I were you I'd stop trying to interrogate me about some girl and get to work." I shot back before burying myself under my blankets. I heard a small whimper from Caleb but I didn't care. He shouldn't have even asked. He frustrated me so much. If he wasn't my twin I'm sure I'd hate him. I'm positive I would. When I finally uncovered myself he was gone. Maybe down in the lounge working on work or being the social butterfly he was. Didn't matter to me. I sat up and started working. Hours went by and soon enough Caleb came back in. I had finished most of my work so I put it down when I heard him come in. I had to apologize. "Hey..." I started but he shushed me. "I don't want to talk to you right now." He says before he got into bed and turned away from me. Fine. Be that way. I grabbed my envelope again and got back to work. Next thing I knew the alarm was beeping pulling me away from my slumber. I groaned and stretched realizing a page of homework was stuck to my cheek. Must've fallen asleep on it. I bit my lip. Today was the day. The first day of a new school. Was I ready?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2020 ⏰

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