Chapter Four

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*Izuku's P.O.V*

Shigaraki goes over the plan a few more times. "Do you all get it now, idiots?" Shigaraki asks us. It wasn't the nicest thing to say but I guess that's what they're used to. They all begin nodding so I nod too. "Kurogiri, open the portal." Shigaraki says then Kurogiri opens a portal leading to the USJ. Toga jumps in first with a big goofy grin on her face. Dabi follows her with a blank and dull expression as if he couldn't care less. "Come in Midoriya, we gotta go now." Shigaraki says to me. I nod and make sure my hood is still on top of my head. Shigaraki looks back at me then jumps in the portal. I follow behind and just as I go through, Kurogiri closes the portal. I walk out of the portal to see Toga already fighting with Uraraka and Tsuyu. Dabi seems to be attacking a whole crowd of my former classmates. I don't know where Shigaraki is though. I sigh and take out the notebook. I take a few notes on the fight, calming myself as I focus completely on the battle around me. I begin to mutter, although it's quieter than usual. I then stop abruptly as I feel someone staring at me. I look up from my notebook and see Kacchan staring at me. I glare at him as mean as I can. He soon loses interest in me, seeing that I'm not fighting. Kacchan then begins to fight with Dabi who sent a bunch of flames his way.

*Katsuki's P.O.V*

I look up from the fighting to notice a cloaked figure, his mouth is moving as if he's muttering. He kinda reminds me of Deku. No, No! Katsuki stop it! Deku is gone, it's for the better anyways. I look back up at the mysterious figure to see them staring at me, coldly. I look away, he's not worth my time. He's just a stupid extra. I then begin to fight with the burnt emo who dared attack me while I was looking at his buddy over there. "You punk! I'll beat you to the ground!" I yell. He simply rolls his eyes at me then makes a wall of fire around himself. Bastard. I turn and look around. There's barely anyone here ,just the psycho and the emo. That's odd, normally hand kink would be here with his team. Eh, don't give a shit. Imma just roast these losers to the ground!

*Tomura's P.O.V*

I found Izuku's dorm. Damn that kid has an obsession with AllMight..or at least had. I begin rummaging around Izuku's room, being careful not to touch anything with all my fingers. I soon find all his 'Hero Analysis' Books. I gently grab them. "Kurogiri." I say into my earpiece. "I've got the items." Then a small portal appears and I drop the collection of notebooks inside of it. Soon after it closes, I head to the battlegrounds through a different portal Kurogiri made. I see lots of damage throughout the whole USJ. It doesn't seem anyone found out Izuku's identity yet though. I look around and notice all the Class 1-A members except one..

*Izuku's P.O.V*

Someone is missing from this fight, I know it. Who is it though. I see Uraraka, Tsuyu, Tokoyami, Sero, and Denki all fighting with Toga..and Kacchan, Shoji, Iida, Aoyama, Mina, Kirishima, and Momo. Off to the side there's Jirou, M*neta, Satou, and Kouda all standing off to the side. I assume Tooru is hiding somewhere and Ojiro is hanging from a building. So, that means..Todoroki is missing. Honestly, I don't know where the teachers are right now though. I sigh. Todoroki isn't here. I was looking forward to watching him fight. I guess I'll just get back to taking notes now. I hear a beeping sound go off in my ear. The earpiece! I tap it and hear Shigaraki's voice saying. "Return to base, I've got the items. Time to leave." Then a portal opens behind me, Dabi, and Toga. We all walk in and arrive back at our base.

*???'s P.O.V*

I managed to make it into the portal before it closed! I just hope I don't get noticed. I look around and see I'm in an empty room with a queen sized bed with a green and black comforter and a dark wooden wardrobe and desk. I notice a picture frame so I go over to it. I pick the small image up in my hand and I see something that shocked me. It was a picture frame with Deku, Toga, and Dabi. When was that taken? It seems kinda new. I flip the frame over and see the date it was taken, a day ago. So that means Deku is alright! But..he's also friends with the villains. Is he a villain now?! Please, no! I then hear footsteps so I rush towards the wardrobe and get inside it leaving the frame facing down. I shut the doors tightly holding them with all my strength being careful with my hands. I look down and notice my body is shaking in fear, my bangs getting in my face. I then hear voices. "No, Toga you don't need to come in my room." Says a voice that sounds like Deku's. My heart saddens hearing Deku act so friendly with the enemy as if he'd known them for years. "But Izu-kun~ I really wanna come with you!" Whines Toga. She seems so nice here, unlike the her we see when we're fighting. I hear the door slam and then it locks. I then hear Toga whine on the other side of the door. "I'll let you in when I get out of this outfit." Deku says annoyed. I slouch down into the corner of the wardrobe as low as I could go. Waiting for it all to go to black. But it never does instead Deku opens the closet door normally. He pulls off his hoodie showing his bare chest. Then he casually grabs a red T-shirt. I look up at him hoping he doesn't see me and notice his hair is almost completely black just with bits of green poking through the dye. He looks down and notices me. "H-Hey..Deku.." I say nervously.

I'm really so sorry for not updating for such a long time! I hope you can forgive me it's just that my family has been having bunches of parties, I lost my phone, got caught up in school work and kinda deleted WattPad then forgot my password to get back into my account so yeah.

Anyways, I'm gonna try and post more often. Again, sorry for making you all wait so long for the next chapter.

Question Of The Chapter:Who do you think is the mystery P.O.V?

Word Count:1150
(Had to fix some mis-spells)

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