A deal

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When I wake I am bound with chains. I pull hard but it is no use. It is dark and cold. There is a Frost Giant standing in front of me.
"Let me go! And where is Mackenna!?" I yell at him. The giant doesn't respond.
"Hey! I'm talking to you!" I yell again. I see his icy hand come at full speed towards my face before it strikes me. I see stars. I feel tugging on the chain and my arms are pulled into a awkward position. I get dragged behind the giant. It takes me a few times to get up as he moves swiftly with me behind him. He pulls me through a tunnel. There is a bright light at the end of the tunnel. He gives a huge tug on the chain causing me to fall. He doesn't stop to let me regain my balance. Instead I am dragged along the icy ground. Some sharp pieces pierce my skin. He stops. I get onto my feet. I see Laufey in front of me. At Laufey's feet there lay Mackenna's body.
"Mackenna!" I scream. I pull on the chains as hard as I can.
"You can do nothing, Loki. But possibly I can make you a deal," he tells me. Right now I will do anything to make sure Mackenna lives.
"We take you as our prisoner and we will take the frost out of her and let her live," he grins evilly.
"Fine!" I yell back. I have no choice. Two Frost Giants walk to either side of me. They just stand there. I watch as Laufey lifts the frost out of her. I see the blue retreating. Her eyes snap open.
"Loki?" Is the first thing she says. She sits up and sees where we are. She sees me in chains. She gets up and runs as fast as she can towards me. Laufey watches her ever so closely. She wraps her arms around me.
"Loki, I heard everything. Why?" She looks at me with tears streaming down her face. Her hands shake as she holds onto me.
"Loki, you will call upon your people to take her away, but if you get taken with her, I will unleash all my forces and Asgard. And kill every single Asgardian." He warns. A tear slides down my own face. Mackenna looks me in the eye.
"Be strong. Whatever they do to you, do not loose yourself. I will come to get you, I promise," she whispers. She kisses me and a Frost Giant takes her by her arm and puts her in the centre of us all.
"Do it Loki," Laufey calls out to me. He grins so wide. It makes me angry.
"Heimdall, bring Mackenna to Asgard. " I call out. Mackenna doesn't let her stare off me as the brightness of the bifrost comes over her. I watch one last tear stream down her face as she disappears.
I feel the bifrost surround me. I watch Loki disappear in front of me. I am gone from him. Ripped from him once more. He is so broken. All of the sudden I am standing in front of Heimdall. I run down the rainbow bridge trying to get to the palace as fast as I can. As I am going, I pass the vineyard. I see something gold glinting in between the rows. I walk towards it. I see two horns. It's Loki's helmet. I haven't seen it in forever. I pick it up and take it with me towards the palace. I meet the first guard.
"Um, could you tell Odin, Frigga and Thor to meet me in the dinning hall?" I ask. He nods and walks off. I walk to the dining hall stroking Loki's helmet.
Not ten minutes later Odin, Frigga and Thor show up in the dining hall.
"Mackenna! You're alright!" Frigga exclaims.
"Where is Loki?" Thor asks. Tears well up in my eyes.
"Mackenna?" Thor looks at me.
"They took him. He sacrificed himself so I could be saved. He is their prisoner," I tell them. I hear two gasps, and I begin to sob heavily. I see Odin storm out of the room. Frigga comes and hugs me.
"It's going to be okay. Odin will do everything in his power to get Loki back. I'm sure of it," she assures me. I look up at Thor. He has a look of complete shock on his face. We hear Odin's booming voice throughout the palace.
"The Frost Giants once again threaten us. They have Loki within their grasp. Laufey will use him against us, I know it is true. They will call a war on us! And we must be prepared. We must call on every Asgardian who is ready to join the fight. We must protect our own! We must get Loki back! I do not care if he is one of them, he is my son. I do not care if you all think against it. We must get Loki back, for he is going to marry Mackenna. We need to train!" I hear him boom.
He cares about Loki? From what I had heard from him Odin had treated him poorly. Lady Sif appears at the door.
"Mackenna, Odin has ordered me to start your training of war. I will teach you everything I know," she tells me. I gasp.

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