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It's been a week since I found out I was pregnant. It had scared me so much. I still haven't told Loki. I'm afraid to.
It's April 29th. We had bought the dress. It was so beautiful. I told all my friends I was pregnant. They were so happy. They were asking what I would name it. I don't know.
I went to the baby shop and bought a pair of purple socks. When I got home I put it in a little box. Loki was sitting on the couch reading again.
"Hey," I mumble.
"Hey. What's wrong?" He asks looking up from his book. I hand him the little box.
"What's this?" He asks.
"Just open it," I smirk at him. He puts the book down beside him and takes the box from my hand. He opens it and reaches in. He pulls out the little socks.
"Mackenna? Wha-" he seems lost for words. He drops the box and pulls me into an embrace. He kisses the top of my head.
*****2 days later. The wedding day*****
I'm pacing back and forth. Leah and Alexis are trying to calm me down.
"I really don't care if it's bad luck, but I really need Loki right now," I stutter.
"Okay," Leah says and runs towards the alter. She comes back with Loki.
"Mackenna, are you alright?" He asks.
"No. I'm so nervous," I reply. He walks over and hugs me.
"It's okay. Everything is going to be okay," he promises me. I look out the window and see something. I grab Loki's arm and pull him outside. Alexis and Leah follow us. I look up at the sky. It's blank until the bifrost comes down in front of us.
"Shit!" I hear Leah exclaim. The bifrost disappears leaving Frigga, Odin, Thor, Sif and the Warriors three. I look up at Loki and see a complete look of shock upon his face. He doesn't move. I go up to Frigga and give her a hug.
"My dearest brother, to be married," I hear Thor boom. He slaps Loki on the back.
"Thor, behave. It's your brother's big day. Give him that at lest," Frigga scolds him. I lead them into the church. People stare at them as they walk in. Loki goes to the alter with Thor at his side. Sif stays behind. Leah and Alexis look freaked out. My dad comes and joins me.
"You ready for this?" He asks.
"Yeah," I huff. I hear the wedding march start. The doors open and Alexis and Leah walk out with their dates. Sif walks out on her own. My turn. My dad takes me by the arm and leads me down the aisle. My smile becomes radiant. Tears of joy come down my face. Loki is at the alter in a nice crisp suit that matches his long hair. Me, in a nice simple white dress with floral patterns on it. My dad takes me up to the alter and gives my hand to Loki. My heart is beating so fast. I barely acknowledge what the priest is saying until it's time to say our vows.
"I promise to keep you out of whatever trouble you will cause. And to make sure that you will always love me," I say.
"I promise to love you forever and always. And I will make sure you get everything you deserve," Loki says to me.
"Do you Loki Laufeyson, take Mackenna Leander as your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asks.
"I do," Loki states.
"And do you Mackenna Leander take Loki Laufeyson as your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do," I stare into the depths of Loki's eyes.
"Then I pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride," Loki smashes his lips into mine. I hear the cheering around us. I pull away and face the crowd. After just sending 30 invitations there are at least 100 people here. Loki takes my arm and we walk down the aisle. We go into a limo and get brought to the hall.
"Loki, when we cut the cake we have to tell everyone," I tell him.
"I know," he replies. He puts his long slender fingers over my stomach. I put my own hand over his. He kisses me on the forehead.
"I promise to love it as much as I love you," he says.
"I know you will," I reply. The limo pulls up to the hall. We get out and stand by the door. My parents are the first ones to come. My mom runs towards us.
"Oh sweetie, I'm so happy for you!" She exclaims as she hugs me. She pulls Loki into an embrace too. My dad comes and gives me a big hug. He shakes Loki's hand.
"Take good care of her," he says before they go into the hall. Leah and Alexis come next. They hug us both and say congrats before they go inside. We repeat this over and over. All of the sudden my little cousin comes running out of my Aunts car.
"Mackenna!" He exclaims. He runs into my arms.
"Hey, Harry. How are you?" I ask.
"I'm good. It was boring in the church. I just wanted to meet Loki. He seems awesome," he says. Loki turns his head towards Harry and bends down until he is at Harry's height.
"Hello, Loki. I'm Harry and I'm seven years old," he says as he shakes Loki's hand.
"Why hello Harry. I'm Loki, and I'm twenty one years old. Just the same as Mackenna,"
"You better take good care of Mackenna. She is my favourite person," Harry says before he is lead into the hall. We go in as well. The DJ is playing nice music. Our wedding song comes on and I sway to it in Loki's arms. The music stops after the song is done.
"Time to cut the cake!" My mom yells into the crowd. Loki leads me to the front and we stand by the cake.
"Before we start, me and Loki have to say something," I stammer into the mic I was given.
"Mackenna is pregnant," Loki says. I hear gasps and then cheering. My mom has to calm everyone down. Frigga and Thor have a complete look of shock on their faces but they clap. Loki puts his arm around my waist. We cut the cake and me and Loki get the first bite. But instead of eating it I smash it into Loki's face. Everyone laughs and so do I. Then Loki splats his in my face. I'm laughing so hard right now. After we serve the cake I wipe the cake off of me and Loki. Through the night we get congrats. Frigga hugs Loki.
"I know you will make a great father. And you Mackenna, with your gentle soul will make a wonderful mother," she says. At around nine I yawn. We sneak out and go home. I don't want a honeymoon, I just want peace with Loki.

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