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I wake early in the morning. There is only the light from the fire. Two Warriors are starting to shake everyone awake. I tap on Thor and he wakes.
"Is it morning already?" He asks. I nod to him. Every warrior stand, puts on their armour and gets fed. It's not much of a meal but it fills my stomach. I take my helmet and place it on my head. I pick up Loki's and search the ice for a crevice. When I find one big enough for his helmet I slip it inside and walk away. The Warriors begin to go into formation. I take a place by the edge. We trudge through the snow. We stop once we see them.
The army approaches us. I see Loki among them. He is not himself, he seems to be controlled by someone. I take a deep breath of the chilly air surrounding us. I keep a close eye on Loki. He is blue with crimson red eyes. His eyes look full of hatred, of hurt. Both sides, Asgard and Jotunheim, stand in silence. With a sword in one hand and shield in another, I stand ready. With Thor and Sif at my sides we stand ready for Odin to declare war.
The Frost Giants stand tall and in numbers. I do not know how much Asgardian blood will be spilled in this battle. The bifrost opens and Odin is poised in front of us. I hear his battle cry. I see the Frost Giants and Loki charge at us. I hear the battle cry of a thousand soldiers. We charge. I take the first Frost Giant out with my sword. It falls in front of me. It reveals another. I charge but this one has more wit. My sword and shield get knocked out of my hands as I get pinned to the ground. The Frost Giant lifts his mighty arm ready to crush me. I close my eyes.
I see a bright flash from behind my eyelids. Thor has struck the giant and it falls.
"Thanks," I say as he picks up my sword and shield.
"You're welcome," he replies. He passes me my sword and shield. He shoots off leaving me with yet another Frost Giant. If I hadn't stopped for three seconds I wouldn't have noticed it was Loki. I start to shake. This was the moment I never wanted to happen. I can hear screams of pain around me. I look directly into Loki's eyes. If he's there, he is buried deep within.
"Loki, it's me Mackenna," I tell him.
"I know damn well who you are," he spits. He is shaking. With that he whips thousands spikes of ice at me. I duck behind my shield. I can feel some chunks hitting the horns on my helmet. I stand up again.
"Loki, I know you are in there. I need you. Come back to me. This is not you! This is Laufey!" I yell at him. Tears start to stream down my face. He reaches into his back pocket. I get my sword ready. He takes a dagger out and charges at me.
His dagger meets with my sword. He is very strong. I grunt with the effort I have to use to keep that dagger away from me.
"Loki!" I yell at him. He pulls the dagger away and twists around with it pointing at me. I put my shield in it's way. It makes a clanging noise. He tries his best to get around my shield, but I am too fast for him. I'm starting to loose the hope that he is still in there. I decide now is the best time to use my tactic. He stabs the dagger towards me. I dodge it and disappear from his sight. He looks around for a fraction of a second before I run up behind him and jump on top of him. He falls over with my weight. I pull the dagger from his grasp and flip him over so he is looking at me. I stand on his wrists and sit on top of his chest. I put the dagger to his throat.
"Loki! Don't make me kill you! Fight it!" I yell in his face. He is struggling to get away.
I hear Sif yelling behind me. She is protecting me. I look up for a fraction of a second to look at Sif and Loki jerks me off of him. The dagger slides across the ice. I stumble towards my sword, but Loki knocks me over and pins me down. He puts the dagger to my own throat. I don't fight him. I let my body relax and prepare for the worst. I put my hand to his cheek.
"I love you, no matter who or what you are," I say to him. He lifts the dagger to kill me. I close my eyes, but I never feel the pain. I open my eyes and look at him. He looks blank. His hand is shaking. He drops the dagger and grabs hold of his head. He falls over. It looks like he is fighting within himself. I pull myself away from him. I lean against a chunk of ice behind me. I watch him writher on the ground. That's it. I stand and walk towards him. I lay him on his back and sit on top of him again. I can't believe I'm doing this. I lean down and kiss him. I don't take my lips away. He fights it at first, but then I feel his arms come around me. He kisses me back. I pull back.
"Mackenna?" He looks at me with his crimson eyes. I smile through my tears.
"I love you," he hugs me while we are still laying on the ground.
"This really isn't a good time right now okay?" I get off him and let him sit up. I look around myself. Bodies of Asgardians and the Frost Giants lay around us. I scramble for my sword as I see one charge at me and Loki. I reach the dagger first. I take it and whip it at its heart. I watch it fall.
"Come on Loki!" I yell as I pick up my sword. He gets up and stands near me. I take him to the crevice that I had put his helmet in. When we get there I see a Frost Giant picking up the helmet. I sneak up behind it and stab it in the back.
"MACKENNA!! Watch out!!" I hear Loki yell. I feel another body collide with my own. My sword goes flying as I fall. I only have my shield now. I flip myself on my back and slap the giant in the face with my shield. I slow it down but it slams its fist on my face. I see stars in my vision. I can feel the swelling already. I hear something whistle in the wind and the next thing I know I see icy spears in the giant as it falls. Loki is standing not twenty yards away from me with his hands stretched out in front of him. I stare at him. My right eye is completely closed. I flop down on the ground. I breathe heavily. I was not prepared for this fight. I close my left eye and relax for a couple of minutes. The fight has moved away from here. I hear Loki's feet walk through the snow and stop a little ways away from my head.
"Mackenna? You brought my helmet?" He asks.
"Yeah. I thought you might want it. If you were going to come back. I had no idea if you were at that time. It was the only thing I had from you," I reply.
"And your helmet, it looks like mine,"
"Yes. But mine is silver, and yours is gold. Mine matches my armour as your helmet matches yours," I'm still on the ground just staring at the sky. Loki comes and stands by my head. He is back to normal. I can see his green eyes once again. I smile at him. He has his helmet on his head. He helps me up. I look around for my sword and shield. When I find them I pick them up. We start walking towards the battle. I walk past a warrior that has a bow and a fair amount of arrows. I pick them up. I had some training with them and I was pretty good. As we continue I find more arrows and I pick up as many as I can. Soon I find so many that Loki carries a pack of them on his back.
I see the fight in front of me. I need a spot high up where they will not see me. I look up and see a ledge. I put my hand on the ledge and hoist myself up. Me and Loki get pretty high. I can see the entire battle from where we sit. Now, we need to kill them. I look around and see a giant piece of ice hanging above a majority of the battle.
"Loki, we need to get that chunk of ice to fall," I tell him.
"But arrows cannot destroy enough ice to make it fall," he tells me.
"I know. That's why I brought a Frost Giant with me," I smirk at him. He looks shocked but knows what I am about to do. I call out the retreat signal. I watch the Warriors look around and then run like hell out of the battle. The Frost Giants look stunned. I grab a handful of arrows and align them on my bow. Loki is standing beside me once again blue.
"One.............two.................THREE!" I yell out. And with that my arrows and Loki's ice go shooting at the most vulnerable place on the ice chunk. Loki's ice flies faster than my arrows. When it all collides with the ice I hear a major cracking sound. A crack goes all the way around the battle area and hits the chunk of ice. Another huge bang sounds. The ice chunk begins to fall. Where the crack had been formed around the battle area, the ice begins to cave in.
"RUN!!" I yell at Loki. We both get up and run as fast as possible. The sound that the ice chunk makes when it crashes to the ground is deafening. It sends huge chunks of ice flying. The ground beneath us is starting to crack and cave in. A huge chunk of ice collides with my back and falls on top of my leg. I pull but I can't escape. Loki sees that I'm not behind him anymore.
"Go! Leave me! Just go!" I yell at him.
"NO!" He yells back. We both look up as we hear another cracking sound. A huge chunk of ice is falling towards us. He runs as fast as he can towards me. I hand him my shield as fast as I can and he jumps on top of me. He shoots ice at it to try to break it up. It does but it creates hundreds of little chunks that continue to fly at us. Just before they all collide with us, Loki lifts the shield and spreads ice on it to make it wider. I hear all the ice crashing down on us. I scream in terror. We are buried within the ice.

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