Ready for Jotunheim

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*****13 years later*****
I watch our little Jack run around the palace corridors. He was ten years old and full of energy. He had beautiful hazel eyes like me and dark hair like Loki. We still mourn the loss of Rydel.
"Mom?" Jack had asked one day, "who is that baby?" He looked at a picture of me and Loki holding Rydel when she was a week old.
"Her name was Rydel. She would've been your sister," I tell him. A tear slid down my face when I thought about her. Now he has learned not to ask about her. Jack knew that it hurt me.
As we walk down the corridor, Odin comes up to us.
"War against the Frost Giants is upon us once more," he says. I gasp. Loki looks shocked. Jack looks up at us. I start running. I run until I get to our room. I pull out my old armour. It's covered in dust. I dust it off and slip it on. Amazingly it still fits me. I go to our helmets which are dusted and sitting on our table. I slide it on my head and unlock the dresser below. I take out my sword and shield. I walk out into the hallway and find my way to the training grounds. There are some people already training. I challenge one of the people. At first I struggle to keep him from hitting me but I get the hang of it. I train the majority of the day. Loki and Jack come to watch me. I got beat a couple of times but I learned to be faster. I used my illusions. I would make an illusion of myself and put it behind the person. They would get so confused. Then I would circle them and when they were paying attention to the illusion I would take them to the ground.
I came face to face with Loki. He smirks. I look up at Jack who is watching us with anticipation. I skip around Loki and make a few illusions of myself. There is like five of me surrounding him. He looks at each one carefully. We circle him. He charges at me. He stops. He's teasing me. I see him throw something. I watch it tumble across the ground. Just as I figure out what he's doing, he knocks me to the ground. I laugh. He plants a kiss on me and gets up. He helps me up. Jack comes running towards us.
"Whoah! That was so cool dad!" He exclaims looking up at Loki. Jack touches Loki's arm and he watches as the blue spreads on his skin. He was always so amazed by it.
Isabelle, a girl about the same age as Jack shows up. It had been quite obvious that he had a crush on her. He takes his hand off of Loki's arm and stares at her. Isabelle looks at Jack and giggles. She smiles and waves and comes down to the training grounds. In the past couple of months she had become my friend. So she comes up beside me.
"That was really cool Mrs. Laufeyson," she says looking up at me. She was always so kind and polite. Jack is standing beside Loki just staring at Isabelle. Loki elbows him. He walks up to Isabelle.
"Lady Isabelle, do you care to join me for a stroll in the gardens?" He asks her. She giggles and takes his hand. They walk off together. I stand beside Loki.
"He's such a lady's man," I tell him.
"He sure is," Loki replies. All the Warriors get called to the hall. Odin is sitting at the throne.
"Thirteen years ago today, a innocent life was taken away. Just a baby, snatched away. Rydel. She was taken by the Frost Giants while she slept. Mackenna and Loki fought to get her back but they were to powerful. They begin a war against us once more and we must fight back. But first we need two volunteers to go to Jotunheim," Odin booms. Me and Loki look at each other. We both raise our hands first. Odin's face is full of shock. He nods.
"Very well. We will fit you with appropriate attire and weapons," he says and walks away. I look at Loki. My eyes are wide and I'm shaking. Loki takes me into a hug. He takes me by the waist and leads me to the weapons. I take a sleek bow and arrow to go with my sword. I grab a few daggers and put them on various parts of my armour. We get fitted with very warm clothing and furs. Me and Loki get escorted to the bifrost. Frigga hugs us.
"You be careful, I want to see you guys back in Asgard once more," she says with tears streaking down her face. Jack runs up to us and hugs us. He has tears streaming down his face.
"Jack, I need you to do me a favour. I need you to be strong. We will return to you, I promise," I tell him.
"But I don't understand why you have to go," Jack says looking at me and Loki.
"We love you Jack. No matter what," Loki tells him. Heimdall opens the Bifrost and we walk into it. We land in the snow of Jotunheim.

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