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Lady Sif leads me through a series of hallways.
"Um, what are we doing exactly?" I ask.
"We are going to fit you with armour. You cannot go into battle without armour," she replies.
"Yes I understand that, but why am I getting armour before I've even had any training?" I ask as we walk at a fast pace down a long hall.
"While training you will be using real swords and weaponry so you must be protected," she tells me as she leads me down a new hallway.
"Real weaponry? Even with a first timer?"
"Yes. We believe you will learn faster. Become more lethal sooner. The war is coming soon, we must get you ready,"
"When do you think the war will start?"
"When Laufey is satisfied with whatever he is about to do with Loki. Odin believes they will use him as a weapon. They want to break you in any way possible," we approach a blacksmith.
"Fit her with armour please," Sif tells them. Two women come and measure my torso and my head. After they finish measuring about every single inch of me, Sif brings me away.
"They will finish making your armour in about three hours. Till then you will watch the Warriors train. It will give you ideas on what tactics you will use in battle," she tells me. She brings me out to the edge of the palace. I hear thousands of swords clashing against each other. As we continue I see the Warriors that wield them. The very sight amazes me. I look back at Sif must she is gone. I look back at the Warriors and see her among them. I watch them very closely. I watch each of their tactics.
I follow what they do on my own. Some of them are harder to copy than others, giving my leg. But I learn. In those three hours I had been given a sword and was brought down to practice among the Warriors. I was careful with the sword in my hand. I could out wit a majority of them. I would dive and duck and when they were distracted I would disappear from their sight and gently poke the sword against them to show that I had 'defeated' them. I had good fun.
It all ended too fast. Sif came up behind me and tapped on my shoulder. It scared me so I whipped the sword around but she caught it with her own. I drop my sword.
"I'm sorry," I apologize.
"It's quite alright, I was the one who scared you. Your armour is ready, let's go," she takes me by my arm and leads me away. When we get to the blacksmith I see a pile of armour sitting on a table. The two women who measured me took the armour and put it on me. I can move so easily in them it amazes me. I still see one piece of armour on the table. It is a helmet. I walk up to it and look at it. It resembles Loki's so closely. But it has a more feminine look to it. It has the same horns but the shape of it is different. There are beautiful snowflakes and flowers engraved in it. I take it in my hand and a tear slides down my face.
When I go to Loki's chamber that night with my armour and helmet in hand, I find Loki's helmet laying on the night table. I lay my own beside his. They match perfectly. Beside his own helmet I see a tiny emerald box. I pick it up and look inside. There is a slight ring with an emerald gem and diamond surrounding it. I take it out of the box and slide it on my finger. It fits perfectly. I take it off and put it back in the box. I take off my armour and walk to the bathroom. I get in the shower and let the hot water soothe my aching body. I was not prepared for the amount of training that I had gone through today. There were scratches and dirt all over my body. I wash all the dirt of myself and turn off the water. I wrap a towel around myself and dry off. I get dressed and walk out the bathroom.
It scares me a bit when I see Thor sitting on the bed. He is is staring at the helmets sitting on the night table.
"Thor? Are you alright?" I ask him. He looks up.
"I'm fine I just came to bring you something," he tells me.
"What did you bring me?" I ask. He reveals a sword and a shield. They have beautiful patterns on them. He lays them on the bed and leaves the room without another word. I take the sword and shield in hand. They fit perfectly. I place them in front of the helmets and lay down in bed. The smell of lilacs soon reach my nose. I put my face into the pillow and begin to cry. I'm afraid I will never get Loki back. I love him too much to loose him now. Not after everything we had gone through in the past month. He is hurt, and I was the one who hurt him. I have to get him back. I cry myself to sleep.

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