~Chapter 1~

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~ The meaning of life is living life to the fullest by accomplishing your goals.~

"..wait.." You cry as your 'parents' left you with the older man.

"..H-hold on! Don't leave me! I-i'll be good! I w-won't cause a-any more problems!....Please....Just take me with you..."


(Age 7)

"Go do your job brat!" The man says, "..Oh..I see you want a punishment.."

"W-wait! I-i'll go d-do it now!" You try to say, the man still gives you a punishment.....

{time skip}

"Now shut the hell up and go do your job...By the way if you scream or talk one word I will personally punish you.." He smirks as he announces in a dark voice. He leaves the room with you on the floor with cuts, bruises, and new scars.

"Maybe not talking will always help me" You thought to yourself.



(Age 9) ⚠️Trigger warning⚠️

"....N-no..." You told yourself as he tries to take over you.

"...I don't want this..." You wanted to yell. You wanted it to be all over with. "Help me please!"

"S-stop...P-please.." You plead, you got slapped for talking and for 'ruining the fun'


(Age 9)

"I-i did it..I escaped." You mutter to yourself. It wasn't easy getting out, you had many wounds and was exhausted. You were walking along the road till you couldn't anymore, you were now resting on a tree and found yourself falling asleep.


You jolted awake, you looked around in a panic and saw nothing...

"The hell.. Why was my-" Then you hear a growl, you look behind you and see this creature up in the tree looking at you like....


"W-what the hell is that!?" You mentally scream at yourself

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"W-what the hell is that!?" You mentally scream at yourself.

"You look like a very tasty snack young one." The creature like thing said.

You took a step back, the creature stepped forward. You ran as fast as you can away from it. It began chasing after you saying how good you will look all bloody. You tripped on a rock trying to get up fast before it catches up to you. You're so exhausted that you can't get up, next thing you know it is in front of your face.

"Hold on..I don't want to die this way!" You thought, you picked up a rock and threw it at its face hoping it would at least distract it.

I don't want to die this way!" You thought, you picked up a rock and threw it at its face hoping it would at least distract it

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"S-shit!" You curse quietly.

It's opening its mouth, getting ready to eat you.

You sigh, "Heh... I guess this is how i really go.." You mentally laugh at yourself, " I'm so pathetic." You smile..

Just when it's about to bite you someone cuts off its head..? It's a man who has a half-n-half kimono and long hair. His name?

"Giyū Tomioka."

~To be continued~

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