~Chapter 3~

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~Prime-a state or time of greatest strength, vigor, or success in a person's life.~

"I-I did it..I did it!" You yelled out loud, "Yes!"

"You know.." Urokadaki-Sensei starts off, " I haven't trained people in awhile..I didn't expect you to actually cut it in half, nice job."

You turn around to face him, you didn't expect him to say anything the whole time when he was watching. Yes..he was watching this entire time and you noticed just before he 'left' you 'alone'.

You give him a 90 degree bow saying, " Thank you. Urokodaki Sensei!" You give him a warm smile, with a few tears. "Thank you for making me strong, and feel loved."

(You can't see but he's smiling back. Also it's now the end of the flashback.)

"What are you going to do now? The final selections aren't until 2 years

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"What are you going to do now? The final selections aren't until 2 years." Urokodaki Sensei asks you.

"I think I'll go explore for a while..or at least see some new stuff." You responded.

"I wonder where she will get in life?" He asks himself as he nods.

"Well I'm off then, thank you again." You start walking away waving goodbye.

As you were walking away you ran back and surprised him with a hug. Then you're off putting a hand in the air yelling, "Goodbye!" The loudest he's ever heard you.


{Time Skip 22 months later}

(Age 15)

As you were walking along the side of the road you were remembering what you did in the past few months. First you were helping people with their houses and gardens near Mt Sagiri, then went to Asakusa, Tokyo and stayed there for a few months. Last you went to help out in the Butterfly Mansion. Now you're walking back to Mt Sagiri to meet up with Urokodaki Sensei. You were at the market because you thought it would be rude to come empty handed.

-Insert loud arguing noise-

You look over to see what it was and see an older man in a blue kimono and a boy wearing fire hanafuda earrings arguing. The boy is in front of a woman yelling at the man. You go closer to hear their conversation.

"She said leave her alone! Please respect her boundaries?!" The boy exclaims at the older man.

"This is none of your business, boy! Out of the way!" The man yelled back.

When the boy didn't move, the older man was going to throw a punch. You intervened and stopped the punch before he could harm the boy. You shove the man back.

"What the.. WHO DO Y-" The man yells at you.

"You're making a ruckus so early in the morning. Shut up and go away." You interrupted him before he could cause a worse of a scene. "Unless you want unwanted attention..?" You start to smirk.

"Grr whatever, it's not even worth it now." He grumbles and walks away.

You sigh, you turn to the boy then the girl. The boy is checking if the girl has any wounds, and seeing if she's ok.

"Um..Thank you for helping me." The boy bows in a 90 degree angle.

"Hm" You replied. You look to the girl, "Did you know that man?" You ask.

"No. He came up to me saying that he would give me a good time if I came with him. I didn't want to but he kept insisting, then he came...oh! Thank you by the way thank you very much!" The Lady said.

"Tsk, I despise people like that." You say, "I need to go now, bye."

Just before you leave the boy yells out , " What's your name?! Mine is Tanjiro Kamado!"

You look back, "..." Deciding weather to tell him or not. "Y/n" You say then disappear.

~To be continued~

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