~Chapter 2~

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~Hope- a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.~

"Are you really going to accept death like that?" The strange man asks.

"...." You stay quiet. You didn't really know how to feel. You had many questions but you couldn't just say it. You stand up and bow, saying a 'thanks'.

 You stand up and bow, saying a 'thanks'

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"You know..You could help? Go to Sagiri Mountain, find Sakonji Urokadaki say that Giyu brought you there." Giyu said

You look up at him in a questionable look.

"I-i could h-help?" You couldn't but ask, you didn't know what Giyu was talking about

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"I-i could h-help?" You couldn't but ask, you didn't know what Giyu was talking about.

"Help killing demons," Giyu plainly says.

"He's telling a 9 year old to.. Kill demons?" You spoke to yourself. You sweat dropped, not knowing what to say. So you did what any normal kid would do...You nod, still unsure about this discussion.

"Then go

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"Then go. Become strong and kill as many demons as you can." Giyu states with no expression.

You can only nod once more. Before he turns around you grab his kimono.

"Y-y/n. M-my name is Y-y/n." You tell him.

Giyu nods and disappears from your sight.

"Maybe dying right now isn't a good thing.." You say, you sigh and sweat drop ," Fuck my life. Am I just supposed to go up the mountain and find a house or what?" You sigh once more.

{time skip}

You see a house the first thing you get up there.

"Well.. I hope I'm not wrong.." You go and knock on the door.

A man with a mask opens the door, " Yes? Who are you? Why are you up here?" The man asks.

"I-I'm Y-y/n and G-Giyu said to come here.." You answered.

" Damn my stupid stuttering." You mentally scold at yourself.

"Giyu sent you?" He muttered to himself.

"My name is Urokodaki Sakonji. How old are you kid?" Mr. Urokadaki asked

"I-I'm n-nine Mr. Urokadaki." You say, " G-Giyu said that you would t-train me?" You guess, I mean why else would he tell me to come here.

"Mmh" Mr. Urokadaki answered.

"Mmh!?! Just 'mmh' the hell!?" You sweat dropped while talking to yourself.

"Ok then let's get with the training...From now on you call me Urokadaki-Sensei got it?" Urokadaki asked.

You only responded with a nod.


{time skip 3 years}

You're now 12 years old. You've been training with Urokadaki Sensei for some time now, and he said it's time for the final test weather to let you go to the final selection or not. Urokadaki-Sensei asks like a father-figure to you and you greatly look up to him, even if you don't talk that much.

"Ready kid? This is your final test..Break this boulder and you will be able to go to the final selection." Urokadaki-Sensei asks me.

You give a quick look at Urokadaki-Sensei and nod. He nods at you to let you know you can begin. Then you began swinging at the boulder.

{4 months later}

(Age 13)

"...Ughh I can't break this stupid boulder!" You mutter yourself.

Then you try one of the breathing techniques Urokadaki-Sensei taught you...Failed... You try again...again..and again. Then it broke.

~To be continued~

Sorry for the interruption but please tell me when the story is going all over the place.

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