~Chapter 5~

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~Commitment-the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity~

"Please try to get along with him Y/n"

"Tch" You mutter as glaring at the floor.

You and Tanjiro were walking to the final selection, the pair said their goodbyes and left. As you get closer and closer to the destination you both see stairs...long long stairs. You sigh causing Tanjiro to flinch, you haven't really tried to make nor say anything to him.

"Look, I don't really trust you." You look him dead in the eyes.


"If you can prove yourself....I guess I'll have to work with you. But if you do anything dumb I'm smacking you in the head." And with that you walk ahead.

"Ah- I guess I have a chance. I just don't want to get hit in the head." Tanjiro sweat drops as he thinks to himself.


To pass Final Selection, one must survive for seven days on Mt. Fujikasane where demons captured by the Demon Slayers have been imprisoned. Tanjiro and I get separated, but I'm not scared. I know that me and Tanjiro will be ok though, after all we both were trained by Urokodaki Sensei. So begins the battle for survival between the young swordsmen and the demons.

I am soon ambushed by two hungry demons but use water style to kill them with a special "Nichirin sword" Urokodaki gave me. I detect a rotten smell and see another swordsman being chased by a massive demon. The swordsman is caught but Tanjiro saves him.

"Since when was he here? I didn't sense him near." I think to myself. " I got to help them!"

As Tanjiro gets hit to the tree I stand in between the two, in a protective stance. The demon looks at me with gleeful eyes, the arua that's coming of it is menacing. Long hands just surrounding the body of the demon, arms all tangled together. I just glare, thinking of a plan that would be beneficial to us.

"Oi! Girl!" The demon calls out to me.

I only look at the demon in front, causing him to widen his eye a little.

"What era is this? Last time I was free I was in the Keiō era." The hand demon asks me.

My stance falters slightly. I hear Tanjiro get up and answer the demon, the hand demon starts throwing a fit. Me and Tanjiro can't believe the demon is , shso old as there should only be young ones who have only killed two or three here, but this one has eaten at least fifty applicants. The demon says Tanjiro and I will be the 14th and 15th students of Urokodaki he's eaten, recognizing him by the style of mask. The demon laughs manically, while we are wide eyes.

"Let's see...There were two slayers..They particularly stand out to me. One brat has unusually colored hair, he was the most powerful. He had pinkish hair and a scar by his mouth." The hand demon goes on, "There was another one, a female brat in a flowery kimono. She was small and lacking power, she was very agile."

Tanjiro's eyes go wide, while mine go red with rage. That demon just described my friends while staying with Urokodaki, they never came back and now I know why.

"You'll pay.." I mutter.

"What was that? I didn't hear you while laughing at the deaths" The demon boasts.

Tanjiro looks at me and smells regret and rage from me. He sees me run toward the demon, dogging it's attacks.

"You'll pay!" I startle the demon with my yelling.

"Please calm down Y/n! Your breathings are uneven!" Tanjiro yells out to you, trying to make sure you don't die because of your rash movements.

We block the attacks accordingly, slashing every arm we couldn't block. Tanjiro and I target the demon's weak spot, we see the thread and move in. The spot Sabito couldn't get to, the spot where the skin is the thickest. The spot where their swords broke, the neck. Our however slices nicely and severs the demon's neck.

Tanjiro goes up to the head while I stare at the ground. I start to cry silently, thinking what could've happened if I was with them. I know I wasn't old enough but still. Tanjiro looks at the demon one last time before looking at me. He walks up to me and puts his hand on my shoulder.

"It's ok, they can rest in peace now." He gives me a soft smile.

I look at him and give him a smile back, "Yeah, you're right." I look away, "I just wish I was there..But no matter, lets go?"


"Oh! Also.." I turn to face Tanjiro, and smack him right behind the head.

"O-ouch!" He looks at me in disbelief.

I roll my eyes and start to head west. He hurries and tries to catch up to me.


At the end of the Final Selection, myself, Tanjiro, and three others return to the wisteria and the twins greet them as the only survivors. The twins tell them there are ten ranks in the Corps and the four are now Mizunoto, the lowest rank. New, stronger color-changing swords will be made for them after they pick the ore, though they will take 15 days to complete. Each is assigned a Kasugai crow to help in communication and given new uniforms.

Tanjiro and I return to Urokodaki's and he happily finds Nezuko awake after a year and a half long slumber. Urokodaki is relieved that we are still alive. He tells Tanjiro, Nezuko is likely recovering her strength by sleeping instead of eating humans.


(15 days later)

Tanjiro's new sword is delivered to him by Haganezuka, the swordsmith. My sword is delivered to me by a swordsmith called Kotetsu. When I pull out my sword it turns into a faded purple to blue. Tanjiro's sword changes to black when he draws it, a rare color. Two Kasugai crows fly in and present mine and Tanjiro's first assignment as a Demon Hunter. To go to a town to the northwest where young girls have been vanishing and kill the responsible demon.




hAvE a NiCe DaY pEoPlE


~To Be Continued~

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