32.3 Ecyn

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I want to ask the Commander as soon as possible if I can go home at the end of the week. I head to his office before breakfast, hoping I can catch him before he goes to eat. I turn into the hallway and see Ackerman step out of Commander Erwin's office. I meet his eyes for a second, but look away immediately. I feel uncomfortable around him. It's not even that I feel awkward that he kissed me, it's the way he acted about it. I try to shake my annoyance off and knock on the Commander's door.

"Come in." I walk inside. He smiles. "How are you doing, Guiin?"

"I'm doing well, sir. I wanted to ask if I could take a leave of absence this weekend. I didn't have the chance to stay after the funeral, and I'd really like to spend some time with my family."

"Of course. How long were you thinking?" he reaches into a drawer to remove a sheet of paper.

"Possibly five days. Is that too much, sir?"

"No, that's perfectly reasonable. Would you like to take more?"

"Five days will be fine, sir."

"Alright, here is the form. And I want to express how sorry I am for your loss."

I pick up a pen. "Thank you, sir." I appreciate his care, despite having heard the same phrase too many times at the funeral. I quickly scribble out the information onto the form before sliding it back to him.

"Alright, is that all?"

"Yes, sir."

"You may go then."

I nod, then turn to leave.


I actually practice fighting Connie Springer today. It's a new twist fighting someone new, but it's essentially the same dynamics. I'm still shorter than my opponent. He's also pretty fresh out of the training corps like me, so our basis of the concept is the same. It makes him a bit more predictable, but not much more difficult or easy of an opponent. It seems like I'm slightly better than him with the fake knife though, which gives me some satisfaction after another long day of sore muscles, new bruises, and exhaustion. Before bed, though, I take my letter for Caine to the mail room. Then I collapse into bed, ready for the week to be over already.



Yay! We love writing filler! No we don't, but that's the last one! Now we get more plot! I just gotta get back in the groove of writing this. Because it's summer and quarantine and pff what other books I'm supposed to be writing in???? (oops sorry xXCrystalRainXx ) Anyway, I hope you liked it. Hearts, kitties, and toy cars to you all.

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