Chapter Eight

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The Destroyer of Olympus

Chapter Eight


Percy then opened the door and lazily walked in, only to come to a standstill not even three steps into the room.

"Ah, crap," Percy muttered.


"And, who might you be?" an ancient voice rasped to Percy's left. Percy would have turned to look at the owner of the voice, but he was frozen, so he couldn't really do that. Harry groaned something inaudibly, making the figure chuckle. "Ha-ha, I'm sorry. What was that you said?" As he finished his question, the invisible bonds holding Percy disappeared and he could once again move around freely.

"I said I'm Percy Jackson," Percy grumbled as he turned to face the figure.

"Ah, yes. Perseus Jackson," the figure paused, "I had a feeling you would be visiting me. I am Chronos, Primordial God of Time. I'm also known as Father Time to many, but you may call me Chronos." Percy finally began to take in the sight before him and was shocked by the man's appearance. He had been expecting an old man with a long white beard and a golden staff with an hourglass at the top. Instead of what he expected, though, the man was far from old. He looked to be in his mid-twenties. He had golden blonde hair, a long blonde beard, and eyes made of pure gold, which, if Percy was honest with himself, he had expected. The figure known as Chronos smirked as Percy took in his appearance. "Ah, so you were expecting somebody who looked old, no?" He grinned at Percy's sheepish look, "Yes, well, being an immortal being does have its advantages. Now," he stopped for dramatic effect, "what can I do for you, Perseus?"

Percy took a deep breath, knowing that if he so wished, Chronos could obliterate him out of existence, "Lords Tartarus and Erebus, along with Ladies Gaia and Nyx, and, finally, myself, would like to know if you will join us in our conquest against Olympus."

Once Percy finished his request, he could see Chronos was pondering it over. Just as he was beginning to lose hope for an answer, Father Time spoke once again, "Yes, I will join you. But," he added, stopping Percy's urge to celebrate in its tracks, "you will need to spend three years with me in my realm. During that time, I will teach you how to control your powers over time given to you via my blessing. Before you say, 'But in three years the war will almost be over!' keep in mind that I am the Primordial God of Time, so, a year in my realm, could be, if I so wished it, equivalent to exactly one day to the mortal world." He paused again, thinking about something else, "The condition that you train with me for three years is non-negotiable, so take it or leave it."

Percy thought about his options; A) He could do as he was ordered and recruit the Primordial God of Time, get powers he always wanted, and learn how to use said powers; B) He could completely ignore his orders and lose a promising ally in the war; and, C) He could just not care. Option C was immediately out, as was option B, which only left Option A. Percy broke out of his musings and nodded at the Primordial, "Deal."

Chronos grinned, "Great! Now, hold tight, this might feel a little funny." He grabbed Percy's arm before turning both of them into sand, which, Percy had to admit, felt very weird, and they left along with a sudden breeze that came out of nowhere.

(Line Break)

Once he got over the strange feeling, he couldn't help but be amazed by Chronos' realm. There was sand everywhere, sure that wasn't that interesting, but the ginormous hourglass standing in front of them sure as hell was. The borders of the hourglass were covered in opals, diamonds, onyxes, sapphires, and many other precious gems. Percy finally tore his eyes off of the hourglass' appearance, and looked inside it. To say he was shocked would be an understatement. Instead of sand on the inside of the hourglass, there were golden nuggets. While Percy may suck at math, he was pretty sure that there were over 10,000 nuggets in it.

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