Blue Paint- Chapter 4

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I am the only girl who visits the gardens daily. I grow tired of the same plants, all native to my land.

I pack a few items of food, I only plan to be gone a day or so, so I only bring several things. I am going to venture off to find a new plant that would look nice in the garden.

"What are you doing?" Mama questions me.

I pause, and smile. I try to think of a good excuse.

"Zyanya." Mama scolds. "Please don't just leave."

"Well, I'm just trying to make the garden nicer."

"Okay. Go on."

"Thanks, Mama."

"Oh wait!" Mama reaches into a corner of our 'house' and finds a beautiful flower. "The white men brought it." Mama says. I grab it by the flower. It pricks me. I wince in pain. "Oh, Zyanya. They're prickly pear. I don't know if we have any here, but here is something for your garden."  I snicker, and I take the prickly pear by the roots and walk to my garden.

I plant the prickly pear in the center of the garden. Its light purple background and its vibrant flowers satisfy me. The empty spot in the middle of the garden is now filled. 

I walk back feeling happy, energized and extremely content with my self. I feel as if I did a great deed.

Two days later, I walk over to the garden. I gasp in horror. Most of the plants are dried up. I almost cry seeing my prickly pear shriveled. They are not dead, but they are lacking color and look disgusting. It is not the cold time of year, so I wonder what is going on.

I run home crying. Mama asks in her calming voice, "What is happening? Are you allright?" I shake my head and sob, "The gardens. They're dead." 

Mama hugs me and whispers that it will be okay. I stop crying after a while and realize it is cloudy and dark.  Izel comes walking in, her hands blue with paint. My mom hugs her and talks to her. I can't hear what they are saying.

I notice it is dark enough to sleep. I am exhausted and I feel dehydrated from crying. I lie down and I close my eyes. I fall asleep quickly.

I wake feeling refreshed, but I need water. I get out to walk to the springs, but I am surprised to see it is raining. I open my mouth and the fresh rainfall lands in my throat, making me feel optimistic that the garden may live because of the rain. Mama walks out and moans in distress. She does not like rain.

It rains all day. I feel like it is too much rain. I shrug and pick some fruit from some random trees I find in a stroll. I walk over to the medicine man and see if they are okay. Most of them are okay, but one is poisonous. I throw it over to the tree i found it.

I do not think about my gardens until I walk outside one day for only a few minutes and find my hair soaked with water. I see many people simply bathing outside. Mama is more 'wealthy' than others because she has volunteered so much to help with our sacrifications. She is almost a noblewoman and Izel and I are loved by our community too.

I decide to not walk over to the garden before the rain is ending. The garden is very slippery when it is wet, with all the soil and I do not want to get dirty. I spend the day resting. I notice there is lightning. Everyone gets inside- if they have somewhere to sleep. Mama lets in a lot of people, since our 'house' is quite big. Around 10 people walk in. 

I view the outdoors from the house, and I see people scattering about, trying to get into a house with room. I pity them. A woman and her child run by, and Mama makes room. They sit down comfortably. I realize that woman is the mother of the girl who died in the last monsoon.

I try to talk to her. It is no use, the woman is crying. Her child is cold, and has blue lips. Almost everyone in the house has blue lips. I pass down a basket with some cloth to the woman. She wraps her child in it and the child is instantly warmed. 

It is a struggle to fall asleep. It is so crowded many people are on top of me. One girl is right on my kneecap. Another is pulling my hair. I try to fall asleep. I end up staying up all night, listening to the rain and thunder.

Many people are unhappy. They all have looks of discomfort upon their faces, despite the fact they are in a deep, enjoyable sleep. I rest my eyes and body. I am just as refreshed as if I slept. 

The night goes by and it seems like years. One of those years that you get humiliated, shamed, and dishonored. The years you feel despair and pain. No matter how you try, it doesn't work.

The woman's child, all warm and cuddled up in the basket, suddenly wakes up. The baby cries a piercing cry. Everyone in our community wakes. They all peek outside. It is raining, but no lightning. Everyone who did not sleep in a 'house' ran out. One man stepped on my face.

My eyes burn. I cannot see, but I see a bit of blood. I sit up, and my mom screams. "ZYANYA!" she yells. She takes my by the arm and runs me over to the medicine man's house. I feel dizzy and unsettled.

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