Hidden City's Most Wanted

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The episode starts with a title screen that says "Tales of the Hidden City: Part 3". The Turtles, April, Splinter and their friends are looking at the map of the Hidden City.

Cherce: I know there's many places you can go to.

Raph: Which is about 200 activities! So as leader, I suggest we should just split up into groups and do our own thing!

So they split up into groups.

Splinter: So it's just us.

Malka: Totally! I can't wait to go to the Hidden City Zoo!

Ashley: Yeah! It'll be us and this teddy bear!

Alolan Ninetales: Teddy bear? (notices teddy bear) Oh~ you mean this teddy bear.

Splinter: (pinches teddy bear's cheek) Why aren't you the cutest little thing?!

Baron Draxum: I am not cute.

Splinter and Aurora shrieks in fear.

Malka: Oh yeah. We forgot to tell you that Baron Draxum is here.

Splinter: Why is he here?!

Lola (Stuffed Cat Disguise Form): Because Mikey invited us. But since we're in the wanted list, we have to disguise ourselves. We were gonna disguise as dogs but Mikey has a better idea. (chuckles)

Mikey: Sorry, dad. But I feel like we should invite Baron Draxum. He's part of the family.

Splinter: But we didn't agree on this!

Baron Draxum: Me either! (starts to walk away) I should just head back home to start my next cafeteria meals.

Kassandra: Oh no you don't! (grabs Baron Draxum) You won't be going anywhere! You work so hard and you could use a break from being in the cafeteria.

Poco (Stuffed Rabbit Disguise Form): She has a point, Mr. Draxum. You should at least have some fun. After all, we haven't been down here for months.

Baron Draxum: (groans) Fine... I shall stay here with you. Baron Draxum won't get in the way of your precious father-son bonding.

Splinter: Whatever. Let's just get going before I start having second thoughts.

Lola: You're worrying too much! We aren't going to ruin your day. Trust us, Splints.

The group follows Splinter to the Hidden City Zoo.

Malka: These animals are cool!

Osman nods and takes some pictures of the animals.

Flora: They are. These creatures are from the wild areas of the Hidden City.

Vodingo: Wild areas?

Flora: Some parts of the Hidden City are full of wild creatures. That includes the Mushroom Forest among other areas like the mountains and the desert.

Malka: Interesting. The Hidden City is such a cool place!

Flora: It can be sometimes. (chuckles) Now come on. We should stick together.

Kassandra: Sure thing. Let's do more sightseeing!

Splinter: You can all do that. But first, I want to show you around the neighborhood. Please follow us. (they follow him and Aurora) On your left, that's where we get our haircuts. On your right, that's where we eat after getting a haircut.

Alolan Ninetales: Yup. I sure love that restaurant. They had the best food there. (spots something and gasps happily) The graffiti art is still there! (runs to the graffiti)

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