Chapter 4 - A Small Museum

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Chapter 4 - A Small Museum

Summary: Sixty-five years have passed since Calamity Ganon's defeat, and both Link and Zelda have passed on. King Sidon belatedly remembers something Link gave him and sends a trusted guard on a mission.

"Please watch your step as you enter the house and stay close together. The rooms are quite small," said the tour guide named Edra. "I also ask that you please not touch anything."

The small cluster of visitors crowded into the tiny house perched on a Hateno Village hillside. For the most part, they were typical of the tourists who stopped here, the elderly or families with small children passing through. They were the kinds of people who were willing to spare a few minutes and spend a few Rupees for a close-up glimpse at some Hyrule history. Sometimes school groups would visit the museum, and Edra liked that because then his job was more relaxed as the schoolteacher was responsible for the students and their behavior.

This was the little museum of Master Link's house. The Hyrule Royal Family had purchased Link's home five years ago and turned it into this small museum. So, the admission fee went to the Hyrule Treasury. But Edra collected a modest salary and any tips people offered. And Hateno Village appreciated the small amount of tourism it brought in, giving the shops here a little extra business.

Of course, the Hyrule Castle Museum held most of the significant historical artifacts from that period, the loss of the kingdom to the Calamity 165 years ago, and the victory over it 65 years ago, including maps, descriptions of battles, and even copies of diaries and Link's journal. But they couldn't very well move Link's house to the castle and claim it was realistic. So, remote Hateno Village continued to derive some benefit from its most famous former resident. And that might even be fitting, Edra thought, since many believed Link originally came from Hateno Village.

But today was an almost typical tourist group, Hylians save for the solitary tall female Zora among them. Having a Zora tourist was a bit unusual, though not unprecedented. Hateno Village was not all that far from Zora's Domain, after all. Edra assumed the Zora was a young adult because that's what she looked like to him. But she could be older, even much older. With Zora, you could never tell. One Zora he thought was a student turned out to be almost twice his age.

"This was Master Link's only permanent residence," Edra continued as they entered the dining room on the first floor. "It is thought he often returned here in his youth after a significant battle or accomplishment, and it was here he spent his last remaining years."

The first thing that drew everyone's attention when they entered was the magnificent set of weapons mounted on the wall. There was nothing else of much interest in this room, so he would always mention those next.

"Now, the weapons you see mounted on the wall here were not Link's weapons of choice," said Edra. "The village leaders of that time gave them to him in thanks and as a reward for his help. He may have used these weapons on occasion, but they were not what he typically turned to. We know these weapons had great sentimental value for Link. He took excellent care of them and displayed them proudly on his wall just as you see them now."

Edra paused for a moment to give the audience a chance to look at the collection.

"Now, in the interest of full disclosure," said Edra. "I must tell you that these are not the actual weapons, but faithful replicas created by the same race who made the originals and now possess them. The original weapons were eventually returned to the Gerudo, Gorons, Rito, and Zora five years ago after Link moved out."

Next, it was time to describe each weapon and say a little about the Champion who had owned it. He worked his way from the left, starting with Revali's Great Eagle bow, then covering the handheld weapons next, and ending with Urbosa's shield. This was the longest part of the tour, and he enjoyed showing off his knowledge of the legendary Champions.

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