Chapter 5 - Three Extracts From Link's Journal

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Chapter 5 – Three Extracts From Link's Journal

Extract 1 of 3 from Link's Journal

It was a typical evening in Zora's Domain, a quiet time, a peaceful time, the soothing sound of gently splashing water the only noise. Children and most adults were already asleep in the slumber pools or nearby water. Link stood next to Sidon, silently gazing up at Mipha's statue as he had done countless times in the past.

"You still visit her every night, don't you? Even after all these years," said Link as they both continued to stare up at her statue.

"Yes," said Sidon. "As do you whenever you're here. And the years are heavier on you than me, dear friend."

Link chuckled. Yes, years were heavier on him, and he was undoubtedly feeling them now. He wasn't the spry young seventeen-year-old anymore. They were both quiet again, each lost in their thoughts. Finally, Link spoke again.

"You know, aside from memories, this statue and a faded picture are all I have to remind me of her," said Link. "But eventually my memory began to recover, and I started having those flashbacks. It's funny. Usually, one's memory fades with time, but I remember her better now than I did at first."

"I'm glad in a way," said Sidon. "Though I imagine it must have only brought you more sadness."

"In some ways, but I'm glad too," said Link. "I needed to know."

They were silent again.

"She was both a sister and a mother to me," said Sidon. "I'll never forget all she did in our brief time together, urging me to believe in myself. Father says that was how she was, always thinking of others first, seeking a way to heal them and help them."

"Yes, her last words to me were of her intent to protect me," said Link. "And she did. More than once."

Link was quiet as he stared into the statue's eyes. They were empty, lifeless, cold as stone, but the best the artist could do. He could remember how warm and beautiful her real eyes were, the eyes that had looked so lovingly at him as he sat alone with her atop Ruta that sunny afternoon not too long before the end. She had healed his arm and hoped to spend more time together. But later, when the Calamity struck as they stood on Lanayru Road, they had all raced off to do their duty. The two of them didn't even get a chance to say goodbye.

"You know you're welcome to stay here as long as you like," said Sidon. "I consider you family, and this should have been your home."

"I appreciate that," said Link. "But after a while, I get restless and need to travel. Then I get lonely and return here."

"Does being here help you? With your loneliness, I mean?" said Sidon.

"Yes, in a way," said Link. "When I'm here, I feel closer to her. Here is where we spent time together, and it was visiting places near here that helped trigger my flashbacks. And, well, it was at Ruta that I last saw her, saw her spirit I mean."

They both paused for a moment. Finally, Link spoke up.

"May I ask a question about Zora beliefs?" said Link.

"Of course," said Sidon.

"Where do you believe the spirit goes after death? We Hylians believe in a spirit realm somewhere, but I heard that your beliefs are somewhat different," said Link.

"We also believe in a spirit realm, a place of everlasting happiness," said Sidon. "But we believe it is reached by traveling far across the sea, and that Nayru will guide the spirits of those who have lived a good life on the long journey there. Of course, none has ever returned from such a journey, so one must take all this on faith. But why do you ask?"

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