Chapter 1 - Prologue

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Summary: As Link works to appease the Divine Beasts, he takes time out to acquire a house in Hateno Village and makes a discovery there.

Luminous Stone (noun): a mysterious mineral that gives off a pale blue glow in the dark, which some believe to be the souls of the dead - Royal Hylian Dictionary

It was a sunny late morning in Hateno Village, and Link was looking over the small house perched on a hilltop overlooking Firly Pond and the village itself.

"So, how does it look?" asked Bolson.

Bolson and his employee, Karson, had been working on the house for Link and were almost done.

"It looks great," said Link. "You and Karson have done a fine job. I can finally store some precious mementos from my travels."

Link had appeased Divine Beasts Vah Medoh and Naboris, and now possessed Revali's Great Eagle Bow, and Urbosa's Scimitar of the Seven and Daybreaker Shield. They were gifts from the village leaders in gratitude for saving their homes.

"Since you've been such a good customer, I'll do you a favor and save you some Rupees, too," said Bolson. "We still have the original furniture from the prior owner in storage. It's old, but the wood is still sound. If you like, I can throw that in at no cost. Then your house will be fully livable."

"Yes, I would like that," said Link. "I'm not so flush with Rupees these days."

"Fine, we'll do it now, and you can move in right away," said Bolson.

Then Bolson turned to Karson and called out.

"Time to move some furniture, Karson," said Bolson. "You know what we always say? It's not neat and tidy ..."

"Until the bed is made!" chimed in Karson.

The two went off to one of the model homes, and Link watched them carry back the furniture piece by piece. After setting it up, they returned to rest by their campfire.

"All done," said Bolson to Link. "You should go take a look."

"I will, and thank you," said Link.

Link entered the house, and it was perfect. It was a great place to rest between journeys or to relax and collect his thoughts.

He had already mounted the three Champion weapons he possessed on the wall, and now he examined the old furniture.

There was a solid wood dining room table near the entrance and some shelves. Walking upstairs, he opened the empty drawers of the small desk there, then sat on the bed to get the feel of it. It was very comfortable, and he wouldn't mind sleeping here. The place could use a bit of dusting, but otherwise, it was fine.

But when he opened the drawer in the small nightstand next to his bed, he found something curious. He picked it up and examined it, turning it over in his hands. It was a piece of Luminous Stone, and it looked like it had been broken off from a larger piece. Link had collected Luminous Stones in his travels, of course, and was familiar with their appearance. This must have belonged to the prior owner who left it here. Perhaps he had used it in place of a lantern at night by his bed. Not a bad idea, thought Link. He returned the stone to the drawer and thought no more about it.

It was time to journey to Zora's Domain next and find what awaited him there.

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