Chapter 2

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This chapter picks up where 3x16 left off. Robert is in the hospital and Andy is at Tia Sandra's motel.

5 months ago

"Andrea," Elena said, taking a couple of steps toward her daughter. "It's been so long. How are you, how has everything been? I wanna hear all about your life."

Andy stared at her mother for a minute. She knew she should be pissed at her mom for leaving her, and she was, but she with everything she was going through it felt natural to turn to her mother for advice. "Ryan died, mom. He was shot, right in front of me. Then Dad's cancer came back and my best friend took the promotion I was promised." Andy ranted, pacing around the crowded living area in Tia Sandra's motel. "Hmm, let's see. Did I mention I'm a firefighter? I'm a lieutenant at station 19 . . . oh and I married my battalion chief - who had surgery this afternoon. And now I'm talking to my mother, who I thought was dead for the last 20 years. So to answer your question mom, I'm great, so great . . . everything is great . . . you know, if you don't count me losing all the things that mean the most to me," She continued, chuckling at the last sentence.

"Oh Andy," Elena wanted to comfort her daughter, but Andy wasn't done talking. "I haven't slept in weeks, and I know that's supposed to be a bad thing, but I've been more energetic without it. I feel more like myself than ever, isn't that weird? The less sleep you get, the more time you have to get everything done, who knew? The guys at the station think that-" Andy was just rambling at this point and Elena knew that if she didn't say something now Andy would continue to spew nonsense. She may have been out of Andy's life for 20 years, but she could tell that Andy was not her normal self.

"Andrea, Andy . . . Andy look at me. Have you been taking your medication?" The last part made Andy stop and look her mother in the eye. Medication? What could her mom possibly be talking about?

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