Chapter 4: Part 5

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This part is the last part for chapter 4. You guys asked for longer chapters so I made this one long instead of splitting it. While I have your attention, from chapter 5 to the rest of this book, most chapters will have some type of trigger warning. If you're sensitive to topics such as self-harm, suicide, eating disorders, etc. you should consider making this the last chapter that you read and imagine a happy ending from here.

Andy's POV

Once I was in the ER, I was put under Dr. Schmitt's care. I hate him. He's like 12 and never knows what he's doing. I wonder how many patients died in his arms. Anyway, if I wasn't in such a rush to get out of here I would've requested that Dr. Grey take care of me instead.

"Ms. Herre-" he gulped as he opened the curtain to see me. Oh great, he's scared of me. I thought. That means it'll be easy to get out of this place.

"We just need to run a few tests to figure out what caused you to pass out and you'll be out in an hour or two, depending on the results." He continued cautiously.

"I'm fine, I don't need any tests, doctor. I haven't eaten much in the last few days, that's all. If you let me go now I'll head straight to the cafeteria and grab something to eat." I lied. It's true that I've barely eaten anything in the last week or two, but I'd rather starve than eat hospital food.

"I'm sorry Ms. Herrera but I can't let you go without giving you a checkup." He shook, afraid I was going to yell at him or ask for a grown-up again.

"Fine, you can check my vitals but that's it. I'll sign the AMA and whatever else to get me out of here." I rolled my eyes and stretched my arm out so he could wrap the sphygmomanometer around it.

After a few minutes, he finished his checkup and left to get the paperwork needed for me to get released. Finally free. I thought, not realizing Dr. Carina DeLuca, Maya's girlfriend, peeped her head behind my curtain.

"Hey Andy, I heard you were here." She invited herself in. "I've been meaning to talk to you but there's never a time when the two of us are alone in the same room."

"You want to talk to me? Why?" I raised an eyebrow.

"There's no easy way to say this so I'm just going to be straight with you, okay?" I could tell by the tone in her voice that she was about to say something I wasn't going to like, but I nodded my head, curious about what she had to say. She took a deep breath before she continued. "You're pregnant, Andy. You're pregnant and you haven't been taking care of yourself. I know that I'm probably the last person that you want to talk to about this, but you need someone in your corner."

"Why do people keep insisting that I'm pregnant today? I would know if I was. I mean, I might be late but that's probably from all the stress I've been under." I raised my voice, not caring if everyone else in the ER heard.

"Alright, if you're so sure that you're not then you wouldn't mind taking a quick test to prove it, right?"

"If it gets me out of here," I rolled my eyes.

"Andrea," Carina sat on the end of my bed. "I need you to take this seriously. If you are pregnant and you don't start taking care of yourself soon you're going to harm your baby. You've lost enough this year and I don't think you want to lose this too."

As much as I didn't want to admit it, Carina was right. I warmed up to the idea of raising a little Herrera-Sullivan. "You're right. I would want my baby to have the best."

"Thank you, Andy. I'll send someone to do a blood test since those are more accurate." Carina stood up.

"Wait, can you do it? I don't think I can handle anyone else being here right now," After the long day that I've had, I needed to see a familiar face right now.

"Of course. I have a patient to check up on but I'll be back as soon as I can."

After about 20 minutes she came back - turned out her patient wasn't in labor. She drew my blood quickly and promised to tell me if it was positive or negative.

While I was waiting for the results, I couldn't help but smile at the thought of Robert and I having a baby. Although we haven't had the chance to talk about having kids, I thought back to the time someone left their baby at the station and the way Robert smiled while he was holding the baby and I knew he'd be over the moon to find out I'm pregnant.

After an hour, Carina came back with a handful of pamphlets. That was all I needed to know that the suspicions between her and my mother were true.

"Looks like I was right, Andy." Carina bragged. "I brought a couple of pamphlets about the importance of taking prenatal vitamins and reducing your stress. There's also one about living with depression,"

"Thanks, but I don't need those, especially the depression one." I shook my head.

"Andy, I'd rather you don't fight me on this. You're not okay and your husband just had surgery so he won't be able to take care of you for a while." Carina pleaded.

"Sorry, you're just trying to help. Thank you for that by the way. Lately, everyone's been trying to tell me how to live my life and you're the only person I have looking out for me and-" I realized I was starting the ramble. "How do you feel about being my OB for the rest of my pregnancy?"

"I'd be honored to, Andy. I'll go get your discharge papers so you can head upstairs and tell your husband."

"Wait, can you keep this a secret? Especially from Maya, we aren't on good terms, as I'm sure you know. My husband and I need to figure things out before we tell the team."

Carina agreed and came back a couple of minutes later with my discharge papers. After I signed them, I headed upstairs to tell Robert he was going to be a father.

"Hey babe, guess what," I smiled ear to ear as I walked into his room.

"What the Hell do you want?" He yelled, scaring me. "Just go home Andy, I don't want to think about you right now."

"What? Robert where is this coming from?"

"You weren't here when I woke up and they gave me morphine. Thanks to you, I'll probably relapse again."

"Robert, I'm so sorry. I passed out and I've been down in the ER and I just found out that I-"

"Leave. Now." He ground his teeth.

I knew he'd be upset but I didn't know he'd yell at me like that. I ran out of the room and down the stairs, fighting to hold my tears.

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