A Story About the Boy's Volleyball Team

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You made it to the school's gates; you came earlier today on a mission and quickly passed the various groups of students lingering around the front of the campus before classes. A few people shouted greetings and waved to you--you did your best to acknowledge them, though hoping they understood you were in a clear hurry. 

You were well known and liked around the school, but you were a busy girl--President of Karasuno's art club, Secretary of the Student Council and head of the school's student run newspaper, three pretty impressive accomplishments for a second year, but you had always been an over achiever.

You scrambled down the near empty hallway, rushing to the room where the school's newspaper team would meet and work. You reached into your bag to grab a key, however you realize you must've forgot your lanyard of keys at home. You grumbled a curse under your breath, grabbing your phone and calling the school's office to have someone unlock the door for you. As you were on the phone explaining your situation, you see a gentle but familiar face approach you from down the hallway. She reached you right as you ended your call.

"Good morning (n/n)-chan, is all well?" your friend Kiyoko Shimizu inquired softly with a worried smile, seeing your obvious distress. You sighed, putting your hand on your hip. "Good morning Kiyoko-chan. I forgot my keys to the newspaper room so I have to wait, but I'm kind of on a time crunch so I'm a bit frustrated." She nodded in understanding. "Is there a deadline coming up?" she asked. "Kind of, our next paper is supposed to go to print by the end of the week and we just had to drop our biggest focus story by the Vice Principal's request. Now I have to figure out something to write our paper on by Saturday morning". 

The other girl nodded, though looked like she had something she wanted to say but was hesitant. "Is there something you want to say Kiyoko-chan? I'm open to ideas...actually, I could REALLY use an idea, if you have any", you pushed. 

She hesitated before speaking, but a big smile appeared on her face, "Actually, (n/n)-chan I think you should look into the boy's volleyball team. They have some interesting first years, I really think they have a wonderful team dynamic this year and could bring our school back into nationals." 

"Ah...you really think so, Kiyoko-chan? For you to say something like that, you must be very confident in them." She nodded, smiling into her words "I believe in everything I said wholeheartedly, and I want them to get more support from our school and other students too. I know they might not admit it, but I think they're jealous our seats are pretty empty at our matches in comparison to the other schools like Aoba Johsai and Date Tech."

You considered what your friend had said for a moment. People do love a good underdog story...and it's definitely something we could continue on the further they go...You made up your mind rather quickly. "Yeah! You know what? Let's do it. Let's do a story on the boy's volleyball team! You're their manager, right Kiyoko-chan?" She nodded. "Let's discuss how to go about this then."


You walked towards the gymnasium where Kiyoko had told you they held their practices. Right before you reached the steps, you were almost run down by two other students that seemed to be racing to the door. They skid on their sneakers, trying to shove each other out of the way while they both grabbed at the door. "Get out of the way, dumbass Hinata!" the taller boy said, shoving the ginger boy's head down, prompting him to jump and tackle the taller boy over. "As if Bakageyama!! I won this time!". After a few more fumbled attempts between each other's scrambling, they both grabbed the handle and pulled the door at the same time--it was locked. 

"Daichi had to talk to his teacher after class and gave me the keys, all that running for nothing huh?" a boy with light gray hair said as he approached the two, clearly amused by their antics before his eyes fell onto you. "Oh, a guest! You must be Kiyoko-chan's friend with the newspaper, right?" You nodded, smiling. "I'm (L/N) (Y/N), it's very nice to meet you", you smiled and bowed. The boy gave you a cute toothy grin as he pointed to himself "Nice to meet you too! I'm the vice captain, Sugawara Koushi, and these two--", he grabbed the other two by the heads and bowed them towards you in a forced apology, "are my precious  kouhai! This is our newest setter Kageyama Tobio and our greatest decoy, middle blocker Hinata Shoyo!" The shorter boy Hinata shot up, pouting at the older boy. "No fair Suga-san!  I wanted to tell the pretty girl what position I played." An annoyed look crossed Sugawara's face for a moment before he harshly ruffled the younger boy's hair, making the boy wince for a moment. "There will be plenty of time to talk to (L/N)-chan later, she's here to do a story on us after all--but let's get ready for practice for now and worry about that later." 

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