Another Game to Play (Mild NSFW)

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It felt like time has been flying by the last few days as it was already time for the training camp Suga had invited you to. You've been meeting up with him and the other members of the team after practice this week, you really enjoyed their company and felt you meshed well with the group. 

You made better friends with the other manager Yachi as well, though she was younger than you she had the same lunch block so you two decided to eat together starting that week. It worked out perfectly as you both hadn't had your friends in the same block as you and you got along great. She seemed relieved that you would be joining the group to the training camp, she felt having someone else who was really beautiful would get the eyes off her more since she thought she looked like a potato next to Kiyoko. Yachi was a silly girl, she was very cute and charming but didn't seem to notice! She had her own fans as well, and you took every chance you could to hype up your new friend and make her feel worthy. 

When the time came to board, Kiyoko, Yachi and you had taken up a three seater and spent most of the trip happily chatting, trying to ignore the stares of admiration from Tanaka and Nishinoya. You swear you saw tears of happiness at the brim of their eyes, making you laugh.

The bus had arrived in the parking lot of Nekoma's gymnasium. As you all got off of the bus, the group went over to properly greet Nekoma's team and thank them for the invite. Kiyoko and Yachi made quick work of grabbing the equipment and assured you they didn't need another set of hands. You didn't know what to do with yourself so you sort of lingered, thankfully Azumane seemed to be feeling the same and walked over to keep you company.

"I'm glad you were able to come (L/N)-chan, these are always a lot of fun. I think you'll learn a lot too!" he beamed.

"I'm hoping too! I'm really glad I could make it, it's like all the stars aligned in my schedule for this to work out haha. So how do these things usually go?"

As he was about to explain, you noticed attention being directed to the interaction between Sawamura and another guy. He was tall, lean but muscular with thick jet black hair sitting in the perfect bedhead position. You could tell by the way he composed himself that he had a sense of earned confidence about him, but his smirk let you know right away he's mischievous. That was proven when you started listening in on the subtle shit talking between the two, you couldn't help but laugh a little at the competitive behaviour.

"Ah, that's Nekoma's captain. He really knows how to get under people's skin, you could say it's almost like his super power. Daichi is pretty good at holding his own though". You both laughed at the animated conversation between the two.

"What are you guys laughing at?" Suga asked, unexpectedly behind you. His sudden presence making the hairs stand on the back of yours and Azumane's necks in surprise. You both pointed at the two captains going at it, making the gray haired boy shake his head and rush over to pull his friend away. While their rivalry was all in good fun, he didn't want them getting carried away so early on in the day.

As he pulled Daichi along, the other boy had glanced in the direction in which Suga had came from, doing a double take when his eyes landed on you. You saw the boy look you up and down, blatantly checking you out. When your eyes met once more a little smirk tugged at his lips and he shot you a wink before returning to his team, making the heat rush to your face. 

He's pretty cute.

Now that you looked around, you realize you could easily say that about most of the guys around you. 

None of them are probably as sweet and cute as Suga though~ 

Everyone shuffled into the building with boundless energy ready to take on the day and the training camp.

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