Making Moves

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You assisted in serving food to the players at dinner before serving yourself a plate. To say they were wiped out would be an understatement, but they all greeted you like a bunch of excited puppies when you put rice on their plates. You secretly plopped an extra helping on the plate of a loud guy that resembled an owl as per the request of his setter. The guy was handsome and polite, how could you not?

Suga approached you suddenly, your face heating up as you remembered what had happened earlier. 

"Hey (y/n), I hope you're saving enough for yourself! Do you want me to make you a plate ahead of time so you get everything you want?" he spoke softly, a wide smile on his face as he looked at you. Hours ago he was stirring something up in you like it was his day job, but now he had returned to his normal sweet self. Quite honestly, you could take the whole package.

"Thank you Suga, you're so sweet for offering but I don't think it's fair to the other girls. I'll wait my turn like them!" you beamed, making sure to show how grateful you were for his offer. 

"You're too good, (y/n). When you're done do you want to sit with us? I can save you a seat next to me" you blushed, ready to accept--that is until you were interrupted by a certain captain.

"She's already promised to sit with us, right (y/n)?" 

You had remembered earlier that day before the second half when you had agreed to meetup with Kenma at dinner to finish talking about games. You were excited to talk to your new friend, but disappointed you couldn't spend some more time with Suga. You begrudgingly nodded.

"Ah yeah, I'm sorry Suga I already agreed to eat with Kenma and him earlier, but maybe we can meet up for breakfast?" you assured, hoping he wasn't too upset. You saw his smile falter for a fraction of a second, before being picked up even larger.

"Sure that'd be great, I'll see you later then" he lightly bowed towards you and took his leave towards his friends, you noticed Kuroo smirking at the other boy the entire time he walked away. What's he up to?

After serving the food you were able to grab your own plate, going over to sit by the other two boys. Kuroo patted a seat next to his, which you noticed was perfectly in Suga's line of sight. You saw the gray haired boy frown for a second at the boy next to you, before making eye contact with you and smiling. He was sure to give you a little wave to reassure you. You waved back. 

Suddenly Kuroo put his arm around you and pulled you close, getting animated about whatever story he had been telling you, making the other boy frown again. You felt your heart tug a little at his expression. 


It was after dinner, thus time to get ready for bed and you realized you'd be more alone with the other female managers in attendance. You hadn't really gotten a chance to introduce yourself throughout the day, so you were a little antsy to step in the baths with the other girls since you didn't know anyone other than Kiyoko and Yachi. Despite your worries, everyone greeted you warmly when you entered and introduced themselves properly.

After you all finished it, you packed into the room you'd be sharing to sleep and rolled out your mats to sleep on. You were all arranged in a large circle, giggling and talking. 

"So (l/n)-chan, how do you like the training camp so far?" your new friend Yukie asked.

"Yeah, anybody you think is cute? There's so many good looking guys to look at!" Kaori jumped in, making the group giggle.

"Actually I do have one guy I have my eyes on, but I'm not really sure if he's interested or not. We've met up and had our moments, but I'm not sure if I'm just imagining things since I'm not really experienced in that department..." you answered. The girls hummed in response, subtle nods all around.

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