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Your eyes fluttered open and you sighed to yourself thinking about the events of last night. The rest of the girls were still asleep, you checked your phone and it was 5:30 in the morning--breakfast wasn't until 7 and the matches didn't begin until 8:45 so you still had quite a bit of time. You felt parched and decided to go get something to drink from the vending machines, but considering the time you figured no one else was probably up. You decided to skip changing and freshening up until after you got back.

You walked down the dark hallway in the boy's floor, silently laughing to yourself about how peaceful and quiet the place is with all of the boys knocked out. You had hardly believed any of them could ever be quiet, aside from Kenma that is.

You picked your drink and bent over to retrieve it. When you straightened up you were scared stiff as you saw the reflection of a child behind you in the vending machine glass. You slowly inched your head to look back, sighing in relief as the boy behind you smiled widely. 

"I thought that was you! Good morning, (n/n)-chan!" Noya greeted happily. 

"Good morning, I almost didn't recognize you with your hair down!" you giggled.

As the horror subsided, you had to hold yourself from laughing as you noticed he seemed to have shrunk a few inches with his hair down. The boy noticed your expression and narrowed his eyes at you.

"You're thinking something rude, aren't you?" 

"What? No--never!" you giggled again, making him stick his tongue at you playfully. "What are you even doing up this early?"

He smiled brightly "Practicing receives! Suga wanted to get a little more practice in before today's matches."

Your eyes widened at the mention. "Wait, so does that mean tha--"

"Good morning (y/n)-chan~" Suga greeted you from the side, voice still groggy from waking up so early. It sounded like music to your ears, and seeing his bedhead was a pretty good sight to top. You suddenly became very aware of the fact you were the only one in pajamas and you hadn't freshened up even a little, you probably looked a mess.

"G-good morning! I heard you're working hard for today, I'm excited to see your efforts!" you suddenly bowed out of nervousness, cursing yourself in your head for being so awkward so suddenly. Both boys' eyes widened for a second before they burst into laughter. 

"Ah so formal when you just wake up, huh? Very cute (y/n)-chan! Thank you, be sure to keep your eyes on me" he smiled, and you swore you saw red tint his cheeks. You nodded in response, and quickly said goodbye to both boys, saying some excuse about having to do something. Before you walked into the stairway Suga called out to you in a loud whisper.

"Don't forget you promised to eat with me this morning~" You smiled, giving him a thumbs up before you hurried to your floor. You immediately ran to the bathroom to check yourself--not too bad! Could've brushed your teeth beforehand though. 

You decided to start getting ready for the day, freshening up your face and hair. With how late you stayed up, you felt a little dull so you decided to put a very light feeling BB cream on, along with some mascara and a tinted lip balm. Nothing too obvious, but just enough to make you glow a little more.  You decided to wear something very cutesy and sporty today since you were no longer in uniform.

Your outfit: 

Your outfit: 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2020 ⏰

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